Uses of Interface

Packages that use NonCalculatedValue The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. 

Uses of NonCalculatedValue in

Subinterfaces of NonCalculatedValue in
 interface Prompt
          Enables you to specify portions of a business query at the time a query is run.

Uses of NonCalculatedValue in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type NonCalculatedValue
 java.util.List<NonCalculatedValue> DataItemMemberFilter.getMemberNames()
          This method returns the names of the members to be used for filtering.
 java.util.List<NonCalculatedValue> DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.getRightExpression()
          Gets the right expression for this conditional expression.
 java.util.List<NonCalculatedValue> BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.getRightExpression()
          Gets the right expression for this conditional expression.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type NonCalculatedValue
 void DataItemMemberFilter.setMemberNames(java.util.List<? extends NonCalculatedValue> memberNames)
          This method defines the names of the members to use for filtering (always replace existing member names).
 void DataItemMemberFilter.setMemberNames(java.util.List<? extends NonCalculatedValue> memberNames, java.util.Locale locale)
          This method defines the names of the members to use for filtering (always replace existing member names).
 void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.setRightExpression(java.util.List<? extends NonCalculatedValue> values)
          Sets the right expression portion of the conditional expression.
 void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.setRightExpression(java.util.List<? extends NonCalculatedValue> values)
          Sets the right expression portion of the conditional expression.

Uses of NonCalculatedValue in

Classes in that implement NonCalculatedValue
 class ConstantExpression
          Specifies a constant value modeled as a string with an expression type.
 class ResourceAwareStringExpression
          Specifies a "string form" of an expression that provides support for identifying certain resources within the string syntax.
 class StringExpression
          Models expressions that are not modeled in more detail by other classes.

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