Uses of Interface

Packages that use StepInterface Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to data items and business queries to modify the results of a query. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to relational data items in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed

Uses of StepInterface in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type StepInterface
 DataItemBuilder DataItemBuilder.steps(java.util.List<? extends StepInterface> steps)

Uses of StepInterface in

Methods in that return StepInterface
 StepInterface DataItem.getStep(int stepNumber)
          This method returns an ordered list of Steps.
 StepInterface BusinessQuery.getStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole)
          This method returns the step (StepInterface) that has been applied for a specific role and step number.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type StepInterface
 java.util.List<StepInterface> DataItem.getSteps()
          This method returns an ordered list of Steps set on this object.
 java.util.List<StepInterface> DataItem.getSteps(boolean includeBaseDataItems)
          This method returns an ordered list of Steps for this data item and, if the input argument is true, any data items this data item is based upon.
 java.util.List<StepInterface> BusinessQuery.getSteps(Role stepRole)
          This method returns an ordered list of steps (StepInterface) that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.

Methods in with parameters of type StepInterface
 void DataItem.addStep(StepInterface step)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps.
 void BusinessQuery.addStep(StepInterface step, Role stepRole)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type StepInterface
 void DataItem.setSteps(java.util.List<? extends StepInterface> steps)
          This method sets an ordered list of Steps.
 void BusinessQuery.setSteps(java.util.List<StepInterface> steps, Role stepRole)
          This method sets an ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.

Uses of StepInterface in

Subinterfaces of StepInterface in
 interface StepFilterInterface
          Provides modeling for steps that filter data.

Classes in that implement StepInterface
 class CompoundStep
          Enables a user to group a set of steps together.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type StepInterface
 java.util.List<StepInterface> CompoundStep.getSteps()
          This method returns an ordered list of Steps.

Methods in with parameters of type StepInterface
 void CompoundStep.addStep(StepInterface step)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps.

Uses of StepInterface in

Classes in that implement StepInterface
 class BaseFilter
          An abstract class that represents a step that filters.
 class BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter
          A step that filters a query based on a boolean expression.
 class BusinessQueryRankFilter
          A step that ranks a business query based on a ranking criteria.
 class BusinessQueryTupleFilter
          A step that filters out a specific set of member for a set of dimension(s) and a single measure.
 class DataItemMemberFilter
          A step that filters a data item based on a particular member or set of members.
 class DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter
          A step that filters member properties set on a data item based on a boolean expression.
 class DataItemNavigationFilter
          A step that filters a data item based on a specific kind of navigation on a particular member.
 class DataItemTimeFilter
          A step that filters a data item based on time members and time function arguments.
 class DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter
          A step that filters a data item to reflect requests for the first or last specified number of members at a level.
 class DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter
          A step that filters a data item to reflect N periods parallel to a given date member.
 class DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter
          A step that filters a data item to reflect requests for the first or last N members of a level.
 class DataItemTimeRangeFilter
          A step that filters a data item based on start and end date period or can filter based where either the start or end (or both) members are relative.
 class PromptedTimeRangeFilter
          A prompted step that filters a data item based on start and end date period or relative start or end member(s).

Uses of StepInterface in

Classes in that implement StepInterface
 class DataItemRankFilter
          A step that is used to specify a request for the creation of a flat listing, where data is restricted based on whether it achieved a specific ranking.

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