Uses of Class

Packages that use TotalingType Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of TotalingType in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TotalingType
 java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getByDataItems()
          Get a mapping from data selection WITH pending changes that have not been committed with build().
 java.util.Map<TotalingType,java.util.Set<DataItem>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getByTotalingTypes()
          Get a mapping from data selection WITH any pending changes that have not been committed with build().
static java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean recursive)
          returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<TotalingType,java.util.Set<DataItem>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByType(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<TotalingType,java.util.Set<DataItem>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByType(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean recursive)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
 java.util.Set<TotalingType> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTypesForItem(DataItem dataItem)
          Get the total types disabled for the data item given WITH any pending changes that have not been committed with build().

Methods in with parameters of type TotalingType
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.clear(TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Clears all data items for the totaling types given.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Clears the totaling lists for the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Clear the data items for the given totaling type.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.disable(DataItem dataItem, TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Disable the item for the totaling types given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.disable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Disable the totaling type for the items given.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a disabled totaling for the given totaling type.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.enable(DataItem dataItem, TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Enable the item for the totaling types given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.enable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Enable the totaling type for the items given.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a enabled totaling for the given totaling type.
 java.util.Set<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledItemsForType(TotalingType totalingType)
          Get the data items disabled for the totaling type given WITH any pending changes that have not been committed with build().
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isDisabledTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, DataItem item, TotalingType totalingType)
          Returns true if the total is disabled for that data item or any of the base items for that data item.
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isDisabledTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, DataItem item, TotalingType totalingType, boolean checkParentModels, boolean checkRootItems)
          Returns true if the total is disabled for that data item.
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isDisabledTotaling(DataSelection businessQuery, DataItem item, TotalingType totalingType, boolean checkParentModels)
          Returns true if the total is disabled for that data item or any of the base items for that data item.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.removeTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Removes the disabled totaling for the totaling type from the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.setQueryTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, Role role)
          turns on totaling for the specified totaling type and role
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.totalingType(TotalingType totalingType, Role role)
          turns on totaling for the specified totaling type and role

Method parameters in with type arguments of type TotalingType
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and to be cleared totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and disabled totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and enabled totaling types.

Uses of TotalingType in

Fields in declared as TotalingType
static TotalingType TotalingType.ALLTOTAL
          This action defines if either all innermost rows or columns will be subtotaled for a business model.
static TotalingType TotalingType.AXISTOTAL
          This action defines that totaling is applied at the outermost hierarchy and level in the result set on either the column axis or the row axis.
static TotalingType TotalingType.GRANDTOTAL
          Deprecated. use TotallingType#AXISTOTAL
static TotalingType TotalingType.SUBTOTAL
          This action defines if either rows or columns will be totaled for a business model.
static TotalingType TotalingType.TOTAL_NONE
          This totaling action defines that no subtotals and axis totals have been applied for a business model.

Methods in that return TotalingType
static TotalingType TotalingType.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, TotalingType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromPersistedForm(java.lang.String value)
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value, TotalingType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromPersistentFormV2(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String persistentForm)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromValue(java.lang.String oldValue)
 TotalingType BusinessQuery.getTotalingType(Role businessTotalRole)
          This method gets the type of totaling that has been applied to a business query.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TotalingType
 java.util.Enumeration<TotalingType> TotalingType.enumerateSiblings()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static java.util.Enumeration<TotalingType> TotalingType.enumeration()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.

Methods in with parameters of type TotalingType
static TotalingType TotalingType.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, TotalingType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static TotalingType TotalingType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value, TotalingType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalingType(TotalingType totalingType, Role businessTotalRole)
          This method sets the type of totaling that will be included in the resulting set of members defined as in a row or a column.

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