Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExportObject The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of ExportObject in

Subinterfaces of ExportObject in
 interface ExportColumn
          Export of a IQ Selected Item (column, row, background, hidden) object.
 interface ExportColumnGroup
 interface ExportDataSource
          Export of a IQ Data Source (table or cube) object.
 interface ExportDimension
          Export of a IQ Dimension (and its contained hierarchies, levels, and members) object.
 interface ExportFilter
 interface ExportHierarchy
          Export of a IQ Hierarchy object.
 interface ExportJoin
 interface ExportLevel
          Export of a IQ Level object.
 interface ExportMember
          Export of a IQ Member object.

Methods in that return ExportObject
 ExportObject<?,?> ExportGeneralMetadata.getUniqueExportObject(java.lang.String uniqueExportName)
          Returns the export object for a specific unique export name or null if not found.

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