Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExportJoin The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of ExportJoin in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExportJoin
 java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportRelationalMetadata.getExportJoinsUsed()
          Return the Joins associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadJoinsUsed()
          Return the Joins used if any.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExportJoin
 void ExportRelationalMetadata.setExportItemsToUse(java.util.List<ExportDataSource> exportDataSources, java.util.List<ExportColumn> exportColumns, java.util.List<ExportFilter> exportFilters, java.util.List<ExportJoin> exportJoins)
          Set the DataSources, Columns, and Filters from a Map to be exported.

Uses of ExportJoin in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExportJoin
static java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportInfoUtilities.getUploadJoinsUsedBetween(Export export, ExportDataSource dataSource1, ExportDataSource dataSource2)
          returns a list of export joins used between two export data sources or an empty list if none found.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExportJoin
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getJoinInfo(Export export, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.Map<,java.util.Set<ExportJoin>>> joinedTableColumns)
          Populates data structures with JOIN based information useful for displaying in a GUI.

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