Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExportGeneralMetadata The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of ExportGeneralMetadata in

Subinterfaces of ExportGeneralMetadata in
 interface ExportMetadata
 interface ExportOlapMetadata
          Expanded functionality for Export Metadata.
 interface ExportRelationalMetadata
          Metadata about the model chosen to be exported.
 interface ExportSelectionMetadata
 interface ExportUploadMetadata

Methods in that return ExportGeneralMetadata
 ExportGeneralMetadata ExportObject.getExportMetadata()

Methods in with parameters of type ExportGeneralMetadata
 X ExportObjectFactoryInterface.createObject(java.lang.String useUniqueExportName, U objectToExport, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Create a new instance of the export object supported by this factory.
 java.util.List<X> discoveryType, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover all of the export objects using the options as needed by the factory.
 java.util.List<U> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.discoverUnderlyingObjects(ExportDiscoveryType discoveryType, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover all of the underlying objects using the options as needed by the factory.
 java.util.List<U> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.find(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Class<U> cls, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover a subset of the objects associated using the options as needed by the factory where the export objects have a unique name in the lookup list.
 java.util.List<X> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.find(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover a subset of the export objects associated using the options as needed by the factory where the export objects have a unique name in the lookup list.
 java.lang.String ExportObjectFactoryInterface.makeUniqueExportName(U objectToExport, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Mints a unique name for the object to be exported and applies the specified qualifiers.

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