Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExportColumn The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of ExportColumn in

Methods in that return ExportColumn
 ExportColumn ExportLevel.getColumn()
          returns the export column object that contains the values of this level used to build members.
 ExportColumn ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns a export column for the underlyting data item specified.
 ExportColumn ExportMetadata.getExportColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns a export column for the underlyting data item specified.
 ExportColumn ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns an export column for the underlytingDataItem specified, if this data item was not uploaded this call will fail with a metadata exception.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExportColumn
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportColumnGroup.getColumns()
          columns making up the group.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumnsAvailable()
          Returns the exportColumns in available for use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportMetadata.getExportColumnsAvailable()
          Returns the exportColumns in available for use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumnsUsed()
          Returns the exportColumns in use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportMetadata.getExportColumnsUsed()
          Returns the exportColumns in use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getPreSummarizedColumns()
          Returns the exportColumns that are summarized if isPreSummarizedData is true.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getPreSummarizedGroupByColumns()
          Returns the exportColumns that group the summarized columns if isPreSummarizedData is true.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumnsUsed()
          Returns the all of the exportColumns in the upload table.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExportColumn
 void ExportOlapMetadata.setExportItemsToUse(java.util.List<ExportDataSource> exportDataSources, java.util.List<ExportColumn> exportColumns, java.util.List<ExportFilter> exportFilters)
          Set the DataSources, Columns, and Filters from a Map to be exported.
 void ExportRelationalMetadata.setExportItemsToUse(java.util.List<ExportDataSource> exportDataSources, java.util.List<ExportColumn> exportColumns, java.util.List<ExportFilter> exportFilters, java.util.List<ExportJoin> exportJoins)
          Set the DataSources, Columns, and Filters from a Map to be exported.

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