Uses of Interface

Packages that use Export The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of Export in

Methods in that return Export
 Export Export.engine(java.lang.String engine)
          Engine name specified when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.ignoreReachThruTable(boolean ignoreReachThruTable)
          A boolean indicating whether the reach thru table should be ignored and all of the joined star schema tables should be returned.
 Export Export.includeAllColumns(boolean includeAllColumns)
          A boolean indicating whether only the all columns should be included from the based tables.
 Export Export.JSONExportOptions(java.lang.String JSONExportOptions, java.lang.String JSONExportTablename)
          JSON Export options
 Export Export.JSONOptions(java.lang.String JSONOptions)
          JSON options
 Export Export.JSONout(java.lang.String JSONout)
          Filename for JSON when exporting to JSON file
 Export Export.lasrAdd()
          For adding a table to LASR using an existing server
 Export Export.lasrCreate()
          proc lasr Create option without a table
 Export Export.lasrCreate(java.lang.String createFile)
          File used on Create for proc lasr
 Export Export.lasrData(java.lang.String data)
          Used when exporting a single Table based on a String
 Export Export.lasrData( table)
          Used when exporting a single table from a Table object
 Export Export.lasrFormatLibnameStmt(java.lang.String lasrFormatLibnameStmt)
          String representing the XML libname statment to use when exporting user-defined-formats
 Export Export.lasrFormatLibref(java.lang.String lasrFormatLib)
          Lasr format library to use, if not set 'lsrfmts' will be assumed.
 Export Export.lasrHost(java.lang.String host)
          Lasr host
 Export Export.lasrInstall(java.lang.String install)
          Lasr Install option
 Export Export.lasrNodes(int nodes)
          Number of Lasr nodes
 Export Export.lasrNthreads(int nthreads)
          Number of Lasr threads
 Export Export.lasrPath(java.lang.String path)
          Lasr path name
 Export Export.lasrPort(int port)
          Lasr port number
 Export Export.lasrSigner(java.lang.String signer)
          Lasr signer
 Export Export.libref(java.lang.String libref)
          SAS libref specified when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.metaLibref(java.lang.String metaLibref)
          proc metalib libref to register the table
 Export Export.metaPort(java.lang.String metaPort)
          proc metalib port number
 Export Export.metaPswd(java.lang.String metaPswd)
          proc metalib password
 Export Export.metaRepname(java.lang.String metaRepname)
          proc metalib repository name
 Export Export.metaServer(java.lang.String metaServer)
          proc metalib server
 Export Export.metaUser(java.lang.String metaUser)
          proc metalib username
 Export Export.onlyReferencedUDFs(boolean onlyReferencedUdfs)
          A boolean indicating whether only referenced user-defined-formats in the business model are exported.
 Export Export.options(java.lang.String options)
          Engine options specified when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.outfile(java.lang.String outfile)
          Filename for proc export target when generating CSV files
 Export Export.path(java.lang.String path)
          Libname path when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.SASLibrary( library)
          SAS Library object specified when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.server( server)
 Export Export.tableName(java.lang.String tableName)
          Tablename to create when exporting to SAS library
 Export Export.udfOutputTableLibref(java.lang.String udfTableLibref)
          Name of a temporary output library to use on the source server, when exporting user-defined-formats.
 Export Export.udfOutputTableName(java.lang.String udfTableName)
          Name of a temporary output table to use, when exporting user-defined-formats.

Uses of Export in

Methods in with parameters of type Export
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getHierarchyInfo(Export export, java.util.List<java.lang.String> allUniqueLevelNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueLevelNamesToFormats, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> mapUniqueLevelNamesToColumns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>>> mapDimensionsToMemberLevels)
          Populates data structures with DIMENSION, HIERARCHY, and LEVEL information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getJoinInfo(Export export, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.Map<,java.util.Set<ExportJoin>>> joinedTableColumns)
          Populates data structures with JOIN based information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getMeasureInfo(Export export, java.util.List<java.lang.String> allUniqueMeasureNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToColumns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToLabels, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToDescriptions, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToFormats, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToAggregations)
          Populates data structures with the predefined measures from the exported model.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getTableInfo(Export export, java.lang.String lasrLibrefName, java.util.List<ExportDataSource> allTables, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.List<>> tableColumns, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> libnameStatements, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.lang.String> sourceTableNames, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.lang.String> lasrTableNames)
          Populates data structures with LIBRAY, TABLE, and COLUMN information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportInfoUtilities.getUploadJoinsUsedBetween(Export export, ExportDataSource dataSource1, ExportDataSource dataSource2)
          returns a list of export joins used between two export data sources or an empty list if none found.

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