Uses of Class

Packages that use DataItemActionType Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of DataItemActionType in

Methods in with parameters of type DataItemActionType
 DataItemBuilder DataItemBuilder.sort(DataItemActionType sortDirection)
 DataItemBuilder DataItemBuilder.usage(DataItemActionType usage)

Uses of DataItemActionType in

Fields in declared as DataItemActionType
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.GROUP_FORMATTING_BY_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR
          The GROUP_BY_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR specifies that when grouping use the values determined by the default IQ rules.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.GROUP_FORMATTING_BY_FORMATTED_VALUES
          The GROUP_BY_FORMATTED_VALUES specifies that when grouping override IQ rules and use the formatted values.
          The GROUP_BY_UNFORMATTED_VALUES specifies that when grouping override IQ rules and use the unformatted values.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.OTHER_ALL_ROWS_INCLUDED
          The OTHER_ALL_ROWS_INCLUDED action is an indication of whether all rows of data should be returned for this DataItem.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.OTHER_CALCULATED_MEMBER
          The OTHER_CALCULATED_MEMBER action allows the user to define a (or remove an existing) open ended expression.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.OTHER_EXPRESSION
          The OTHER_EXPRESSION action determines whether the expression can be set.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.OTHER_FORMAT
          The OTHER_FORMAT action determines whether the format can be set.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.OTHER_LOOKUP
          The OTHER_LOOKUP action determines whether setting lookup information on a data item is allowed.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_ASCENDING
          The SORT_ASCENDING action sorts a DataItem in an ascending direction.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_CRITERIA
          The SORT_CRITERIA determines whether the sort criteria can be set.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_DESCENDING
          The SORT_DESCENDING action sorts a DataItem in an descending direction.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_FORMATTING_BY_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR
          The SORT_BY_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR specifies that when sorting use the values determined by the default IQ rules.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_FORMATTING_BY_FORMATTED_VALUES
          The SORT_BY_FORMATTED_VALUES specifies that when sorting override IQ rules and use the formatted values.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_FORMATTING_BY_UNFORMATTED_VALUES
          The SORT_BY_UNFORMATTED_VALUES specifies that when sorting override IQ rules and use the unformatted values.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_HIERARCHICAL_ASCENDING
          The SORT_HIERARCHICAL_ASCENDING action sorts a DataItem in an ascending direction, taking the Hierarchy into account.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_HIERARCHICAL_DESCENDING
          The SORT_HIERARCHICAL_DESCENDING action sorts a DataItem in an descending direction, taking the Hierarchy into account.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.SORT_NONE
          The SORT_NONE action removes any sort criteria on a DataItem.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_DATABASED_FILTER
          The STEP_DATABASED_FILTER action selects a set of Members based on some data-based criteria.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_DATE_FILTER
          The STEP_DATE_FILTER action includes/excludes a set of Members from some superset of those Members based on date values.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_MEMBER_FILTER
          The STEP_MEMBER_FILTER action includes/excludes a set of Members from some superset of those Members.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_MEMBER_PROPERTY_FILTER
          The STEP_MEMBER_PROPERTY_FILTER action includes/excludes a set of Members from some superset of those Members based on a member property.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_NAVIGATE
          The STEP_NAVIGATE action is used for commands such as Drill Down, Expand, Collapse, and Drill Up.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.STEP_RANK
          The STEP_RANK action ranks a set of Members based on some specified context (e.g. 1999, Sales).
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.TOTAL
          The TOTAL action defines the inclusion of various types of grand totals and subtotals.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.USAGE_AGGREGATE
          The USAGE_AGGREGATE action allows the DataItem's values to be aggregated.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.USAGE_CATEGORY
          The USAGE_CATEGORY action allows the DataItem's values to be categorized.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.USAGE_DETAIL
          The USAGE_DETAIL action allows all of the DataItem's values to be returned without any Aggregation or Categorization.

Fields in with type parameters of type DataItemActionType
static java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.ALL_GROUP_FORMATTING_ACTIONS
static java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.ALL_SORT_FORMATTING_ACTIONS
static java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.ALL_SORT_TYPE_ACTIONS
          All sort action (ASCENDING, DESCENDING (with and without hierarchy maintained for OLAP information maps)
static java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.ALL_STEP_ACTIONS
          All Step action (member filter, data-based, rank, and navigate)
static java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.ALL_USAGE_ACTIONS
          All Usage actions (Detail, Category, and Aggregate)

Methods in that return DataItemActionType
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.consumeValue( attrsProvider, java.lang.String attrName, DataItemActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type, DataItemActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.fromPersistentFormV2(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String persistentForm)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getGroupFormatting()
          returns the formatting action type to use for grouping
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getSortDirection()
          This method returns the DataItemActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this DataItem.
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getSortFormatting()
          returns the formatting action type to use for sorting
 DataItemActionType ExportColumn.getUsage()
          Return the usage, i.e.
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getUsage()
          Returns the default way this DataItem is to be used.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataItemActionType
 java.util.Enumeration<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.enumerateSiblings()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static java.util.Enumeration<DataItemActionType> DataItemActionType.enumeration()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItem.getSupportedActionsList()
          Returns a List of supported actions for this DataItem.
 java.util.List<DataItemActionType> DataItem.getValidActions()
          Returns a List of DataItemActionType elements.

Methods in with parameters of type DataItemActionType
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.consumeValue( attrsProvider, java.lang.String attrName, DataItemActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static DataItemActionType DataItemActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type, DataItemActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 boolean DataItem.isActionSupported(DataItemActionType actionType)
          Returns whether or not the specified DataItemActionType is currently supported by the DataItem.
 void DataItem.setActionSupported(DataItemActionType actionType, boolean actionSupported)
          Sets whether or not the specified DataItemActionType is supported for this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setGroupFormatting(DataItemActionType groupFormatting)
          sets the formatting action type to use for grouping
 void DataItem.setSortDirection(DataItemActionType sortDirection)
          This method defines the DataItemActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setSortFormatting(DataItemActionType sortFormatting)
          sets the formatting action type to use for sorting
 void DataItem.setUsage(DataItemActionType usage)
          Sets the way this DataItem is to be used.

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