Uses of Interface

Packages that use CascadableFilter The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. 

Uses of CascadableFilter in

Subinterfaces of CascadableFilter in
 interface CompoundFilter
          Specifies a filter that is defined in terms of other separately defined filters.
 interface FilterItem
          Contains a single conditional expression which is used to filter data when running a query and typically yields a result set containing less data.

Methods in that return CascadableFilter
 CascadableFilter FilterCascadeInterface.getDependentFilter()
          Returns the dependent cascadable filter

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CascadableFilter
 java.util.Collection<CascadableFilter> CascadeRule.getDependentFilters()
          Returns the collection of dependent CascadableFilter objects for this rule.

Methods in with parameters of type CascadableFilter
 boolean CascadeRule.containsDependentFilter(CascadableFilter filter)
          Returns true if specified CascadableFilter is already contained in the dependent filters list.
 void FilterCascadeInterface.setDependentFilter(CascadableFilter filter)
          The cascadable filter that must be applied when generating the values for the business prompt.

Uses of CascadableFilter in

Classes in that implement CascadableFilter
 class CompoundConditionalExpression
          Models a conditional expression that is made up of one or two sub conditional expressions adjoined by an AND or OR relation, and optionally negated.
 class MultipleConditionalExpression
          Models a conditional expression that is a combination of one or more Boolean subexpressions.

Uses of CascadableFilter in

Classes in that implement CascadableFilter
 class RelationalConditionalExpression
          Specifies an abstract class for code that is common to all the relational conditional expressions
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Between
          Models the BETWEEN simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] BETWEEN <LeftExpression> AND <RightExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison
          Models the comparison simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <LeftExpression> <ComparisonOperator> <RightExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains
          Models the CONTAINS simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> CONTAINS <WhatToContain>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_In
          Models the IN simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] IN (<ComparisonList>) .
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Like
          Models the LIKE simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] LIKE <patternExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull
          Models the testing for the NULL simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> IS [NOT] NULL

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