Uses of Class

Packages that use BusinessQueryActionType The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of BusinessQueryActionType in

Fields in declared as BusinessQueryActionType
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.EXPLICIT_JOIN_PATH
          The EXPLICIT_JOIN_PATH action allow for the manipulation of the BusinessQuery's join path
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.FILTER_ITEM
          The FILTER_ITEM action allow for the manipulation of the BusinessQuery's FilterItems
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.FORMAT_EMPTY
          The FORMAT_EMPTY determines whether a value for empty format can be set.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_BUSINESS_QUERY_OLAP_SORT_PRECEDENCE
          This action is associated with the BusinessQueryProperty.BUSINESS_QUERY_OLAP_SORT_PRECEDENCE property on a business query
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_EFFECTIVE_RESULT_ITEMS_IGNORE_PARENT_ITEMS
          This action determines whether or not the result items from any parent query are ignored when compiling a list of effective result items for the getEffectiveResultItems() method.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_DATA
          This action determines whether EMPTY data is excluded from the resulting data.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_INLINE_SETOPERATIONDATASELECTION
          This action determines whether or not temporary tables are generated for SetOperationDataSelections wrapped by another DataSelection.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_JOIN_PATH_OPTIMIZATIONS_DISABLED
          The JOIN_PATH_OPTIMIZATIONS_DISABLED action disallows optimizing out nested (inline) joins in the from clause for relational
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_RESULT_ALIAS_IN_GROUP_BY
          Deprecated. This action was added only for the s0se16 track. This option is not persisted.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_RETURN_DISTINCT_VALUES
          This action determines whether only DISTINCT values are returned.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.PROPERTY_RETURN_UNFORMATTED_DATA
          This action determines whether FORMATTED or UNFORMATTED data is returned.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.RESULT_ITEM
          The RESULT_ITEM action allow for the manipulation of the BusinessQuery's ResultItems
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SOLVE_ORDER_PRECEDENCE
          The SOLVE_ORDER_PRECEDENCE determines whether the solveOrderPrecendence can be set to a business model .
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_ASCENDING
          The SORT_ASCENDING action sorts a business model in an ascending direction without retaining the hierarchy.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_CRITERIA
          The SORT_CRITERIA determines whether the sort criteria for an OLAP query can be set.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_DESCENDING
          The SORT_DESCENDING action sorts a business model in an descending direction without retaining the hierarchy.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_HIERARCHICAL_ASCENDING
          The SORT_HIERARCHICAL_ASCENDING action sorts an OLAP business model in an ascending direction and retains the hierarchy.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_HIERARCHICAL_DESCENDING
          The SORT_HIERARCHICAL_DESCENDING action sorts an OLAP business model in an descending direction and retains the hierarchy.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_NONE
          The SORT_NONE action removes any sort criteria a business model .
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_ORDER_PRECEDENCE
          The SORT_ORDER_PRECEDENCE determines whether the sortOrderPrecendence can be set.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.STEP_DATABASED_FILTER
          The STEP_DATABASED_FILTER action selects a set of Members based on some data-based criteria.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.STEP_EXCLUDE
          The STEP_EXCLUDE action will exclude a specific column or row based on the dataItem, member value, and measure definition.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.STEP_RANK
          The STEP_RANK action ranks a set of Members based on some specified context (Eg 1999, Sales).
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.TOTAL
          This action defines that totaling can be applied to this business query model.

Methods in that return BusinessQueryActionType
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, BusinessQueryActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type, BusinessQueryActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.fromPersistentFormV2(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String persistentForm)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQuery.getSortDirection(Role businessSortRole)
          This method gets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this Business Query using the setSortDirection method.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BusinessQueryActionType
 java.util.Enumeration<BusinessQueryActionType> BusinessQueryActionType.enumerateSiblings()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static java.util.Enumeration<BusinessQueryActionType> BusinessQueryActionType.enumeration()
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 java.util.List<BusinessQueryActionType> BusinessQuery.getValidActions()
          Returns a List<BusinessQueryActionType> elements.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQueryActionType
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, BusinessQueryActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQueryActionType.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String type, BusinessQueryActionType defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 boolean BusinessQuery.isActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType)
          Returns whether or not the specified BusinessQueryActionType is currently supported by the BusinessQuery.
 void BusinessQuery.setActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType, boolean actionSupported)
          Sets whether or not the specified BusinessQueryActionType is supported for this BusinessQuery.
 void BusinessQuery.setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType sortDirection, Role businessSortRole)
          This method sets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this BusinessQuery.

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