Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusinessQuery Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. Provides entry points that are used to retrieve result data by executing queries (data selections). Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. Provides interfaces and exceptions that are related to SAS Query Services query execution. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in that return BusinessQuery
 BusinessQuery DisabledTotalsBuilder.getBusinessQuery()

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and to be cleared totaling types.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Clears the totaling lists for the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Clear the data items for the given totaling type.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and disabled totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a disabled totaling for the given totaling type.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and enabled totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a enabled totaling for the given totaling type.
static java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean recursive)
          returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<TotalingType,java.util.Set<DataItem>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByType(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static java.util.Map<TotalingType,java.util.Set<DataItem>> DisabledTotalsBuilder.getDisabledTotalingByType(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean recursive)
          Returns a mapping of data items to the totaling types disabled for that data item.
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isDisabledTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, DataItem item, TotalingType totalingType)
          Returns true if the total is disabled for that data item or any of the base items for that data item.
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isDisabledTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, DataItem item, TotalingType totalingType, boolean checkParentModels, boolean checkRootItems)
          Returns true if the total is disabled for that data item.
static boolean DisabledTotalsBuilder.isPersistGroups(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          returns true if the active groups for this builder's data selection will be persisted to XML
 void DisabledTotalsBuilder.load(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Clears any pending changes and loads a complete snapshot of the disabled totals from the specified data selection.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.persistGroups(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean persistGroups)
          turns on persistence of active groups for this query.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.removeTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          version of the above remove() that acts directly on the business query
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.removeTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Removes the disabled totaling for the totaling type from the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.setQueryTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, Role role)
          turns on totaling for the specified totaling type and role

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
 java.lang.String SimpleQueryConnector.getPhysicalQuery(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns the generated query as a string, excluding connection information.
 java.lang.String SimpleQueryConnector.getResultSetStructure(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns information about the structure of a result set.
protected SimpleQueryConnector.newQueryContainer(BusinessQuery businessQuery, RetrievalPolicy retrievalPolicy)
          The query container acts as a parameter object between: a.
protected  ResultSetInterface SimpleQueryConnector.processIQI(BusinessQuery iqi, RetrievalPolicy retrievalPolicy)
protected  ResultSetInterface QueryConnector.processIQI(BusinessQuery iqi, RetrievalPolicy retrievalPolicy)
          Processes a single query and takes care of notifying the result set manager
 ResultSetInterface SimpleQueryConnector.retrieveQueryResult(BusinessQuery query)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BusinessQuery
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSetInterface> SimpleQueryConnector.retrieveQueryResultMap(java.util.List<? extends BusinessQuery> queries)
          Creates a map of query results (ResultSetInterface), based on a list of input business queries.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSetInterface> SimpleQueryConnector.retrieveQueryResultMap(java.util.List<? extends BusinessQuery> queries, RetrievalPolicy retrievalPolicy)
          Creates a map of query results, based on a list of input business queries.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSetInterface> QueryConnectorInterface.retrieveQueryResultMap(java.util.List<? extends BusinessQuery> queries, RetrievalPolicy retrievalPolicy)
          Creates a map of query results, based on a list of input business queries.

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> IQDataServices.getAvailableLevels(DataItem dataItem, BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Gets the levels that are available for a dataItem based on the business query passed in.
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.hasSummarizeableItems(BusinessQuery bq)
          Reports whether the business query contains data items which may be summarized.

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
 IQResultSetMetaData ResultSetInterface.getIQMetaData(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Returns the IQ result set metadata.

Constructors in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
AbstractIQResultSetMetaData(BusinessQuery bq)
IQOlapResultSetMetaData( olapDataSet, BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Create an IQOlapResultSetMetadata object, based on metadata derived from the underlying, concrete, OLAPDataSetInterface object and information provided by the IQ model through the input BusinessQuery.
IQRelationalResultSetMetaData(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, BusinessQuery bq)
          Create an IQRelationalResultSetMetadata object, based on metadata derived from the underlying, concrete, java.sql.ResultSet object and information provided by the IQ model through the input BusinessQuery.

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Subinterfaces of BusinessQuery in
 interface DataSelection
          Specifies an object that is a business model and that provides the specification of a business query.

Methods in that return BusinessQuery
 BusinessQuery BusinessQuery.getParentQuery()
          Returns the parent query for this BusinessQuery

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BusinessQuery
 java.util.List<BusinessQuery> BusinessModel.getQueries()
          Returns the set of queries managed with this model.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
static Role[] Role.getActiveRoles(BusinessQuery query)
          Returns the Roles that will actively affect the results for the query specified.
static Role Role.getInactiveRole(BusinessQuery query)
          Returns the Role (Role.BACKGROUND or Role.HIDDEN) that should be used to inactivate a data item while keeping it in the result items list of the specified query.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessQuery query, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of BusinessModelObject objects objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given query.
static boolean Role.isInactiveRole(BusinessQuery query, Role role)
          Checks the role specified for the query specified to see if that role when assigned to a result item will result in the result item being ignored.
static boolean Role.isOutputResultRole(BusinessQuery query, Role role)
          Returns true if the an item using this role will be displayed as an output result on an axis or in a cell. BusinessModel.newDataSourceRelationalQuery(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceRelationalQuery object with the specified query.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BusinessQuery
 void BusinessModel.setQueries(java.util.List<? extends BusinessQuery> queries)
          Provides the ability to set a list of queries that can be later returned via getQueries().

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
static boolean BusinessQueryTupleFilter.isFilterSelectionValid(BusinessQuery model,[] tupleElements)
          Indicates whether this is a value selection for the use of a BusinessQueryTupleFilter.

Uses of BusinessQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessQuery
static void BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.cleanUpNullRolesInQuery(BusinessQuery model)
          This method applies an appropriate role to any dataItem found in a data selection where it's role contains a null value.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> AppliedFilterUtil.getAllAppliedFilterDescription(BusinessQuery model, metadata, boolean applyPromptValues, java.util.Locale locale, boolean showByGroupExpression)
          Returns a list of String objects that represent the filters applied to the data selection.

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