Interface FilterCascadeContainer

All Known Subinterfaces:
CompoundFilter, FilterCascadeContainerUpdater, FilterItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompoundConditionalExpression, MultipleConditionalExpression

public interface FilterCascadeContainer

Business Objects that can contain FilterCascadeInterfaces should implement this interface, so that they will be picked up in generation of the list of cascade objects.

Method Summary
 java.util.List<FilterCascadeInterface> getCascades(boolean recursive)
          Returns the list of FilterCascadeInterfaces set on the filter.

Method Detail


java.util.List<FilterCascadeInterface> getCascades(boolean recursive)
Returns the list of FilterCascadeInterfaces set on the filter.

recursive - true if the list of filter cascades returned should include all the cascades from filters that make up the current filter
filterCascades list of FilterCascadeInterfaces

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