***  This class is subject to change.  ***

Class BusinessQueryTotalLocationType

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BusinessQueryTotalLocationType

Specifies the different total location that can be applied to a BusinessQuery. The default location is TOTAL_ROW_BOTTOM_COLUMN_RIGHT.

See Also:

Field Summary
static BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_PARENT_PLACEHOLDER
          This action defines that totaling can be applied to this business query model.
static BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_ROW_BOTTOM_COLUMN_RIGHT
          This action defines that the location of parent values or visual totals appear bottom of row axis or right of column axis in relationship to children.
static BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_TOTAL_ROW_TOP_COLUMN_LEFT
          This action defines that the location of parent values or visual totals appear top of row axis or left of column axis in relationship to children.

Field Detail

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public static final BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_ROW_BOTTOM_COLUMN_RIGHT
This action defines that the location of parent values or visual totals appear bottom of row axis or right of column axis in relationship to children.

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


public static final BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_TOTAL_ROW_TOP_COLUMN_LEFT
This action defines that the location of parent values or visual totals appear top of row axis or left of column axis in relationship to children.

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


public static final BusinessQueryTotalLocationType TOTAL_PARENT_PLACEHOLDER
This action defines that totaling can be applied to this business query model.

***  This class is subject to change.  ***

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