Uses of Class

Packages that use DisabledTotalsBuilder Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. 

Uses of DisabledTotalsBuilder in

Methods in that return DisabledTotalsBuilder
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.clear(DataItem... dataItems)
          Clears all totaling types for the data items given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.clear(TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Clears all data items for the totaling types given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.disable(DataItem dataItem, TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Disable the item for the totaling types given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.disable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Disable the totaling type for the items given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.enable(DataItem dataItem, TotalingType... totalingTypes)
          Enable the item for the totaling types given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.enable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Enable the totaling type for the items given.
static DisabledTotalsBuilder IQBuilderFactory.newDisabledTotalsBuilder(DataSelection dataSelection)
          returns a builder that builds disabled totaling into a data selection and builds a map of that disabled totaling
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.persistGroups(boolean enable)
          Clears all totaling types for the data items given.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.remove()
          Removes the disabled totaling behaviors for the data selection all together on the next build.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.totalingType(TotalingType totalingType, Role role)
          turns on totaling for the specified totaling type and role

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