Class JAASUtil

public class JAASUtil

This class implements convenience methods to extract information from the JAAS configuration in the platform services environment. This does not make available any data that is not already available to the client by another means.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getJAASOption(Environment environment, java.lang.String loginConfigAppName, java.lang.String optionName)
          Return the first value for an option in the JAAS configuration.

Constructor Detail


public JAASUtil()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String getJAASOption(Environment environment,
                                             java.lang.String loginConfigAppName,
                                             java.lang.String optionName)
Return the first value for an option in the JAAS configuration. The Platform Service Environment can be retrieved from the UserService using the getServiceConfiguration().getEnvironment() calls. The loginConfigApp name specifies which application configuration to use. The platform typically uses the "PFS" configuration.

environment - The Platform Services environment. Retrieved from the UserService.getServiceConfiguration().getEnvironment() sequence of calls.
loginConfigAppName - The name of the application configuration to use. An environment can contain multiple configurations. Typically, the platform uses the "PFS" configuration.
optionName - The name of the option to retrieve the value for.
The value for the desired option, or null if no module in the configuration defines the option.

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