Uses of Class

Packages that use Cluster Service for making and managing connections to IOM servers. Interact with data repositories on behalf of client applications. 

Uses of Cluster in

Methods in that return Cluster
static Cluster MetadataClusterUtil.createCluster(HostPortSet clusterNodes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> options)
          Convenience method for creating a metadata cluster.
static Cluster MetadataClusterUtil.createCluster(java.lang.String hosts, java.lang.String ports, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> options)
          Convenience method for creating a metadata cluster.
 Cluster[] Puddle.getClusterArray()
          Get the server clusters.
 Cluster[] ManualConnectionFactoryConfiguration.getClusterArray()
          Get the server clusters that factories with this configuration connect to.
protected  Cluster[] ManualConnectionFactoryConfiguration.getClustersNoCopy()
static Cluster Cluster.getInstance(Server[] servers, int clusterType)
          Construct and return a cluster of IOM servers.

Methods in with parameters of type Cluster
 void Puddle.setClusterArray(Cluster[] clusterArray)
          Set the server clusters.

Constructors in with parameters of type Cluster
ManualConnectionFactoryConfiguration(Cluster cluster)
          Create a configuration for an connection factory that creates and manages connections to the specified server cluster.
ManualConnectionFactoryConfiguration(Cluster[] clusters)
          Create a configuration for an connection factory that creates and manages connections to the specified server clusters.
Puddle(Cluster[] clusters, Credential serverCredential)
          Construct a puddle of IOM server clusters.
Puddle(Cluster cluster, Credential serverCredential)
          Construct a puddle with one IOM server cluster.

Uses of Cluster in

Methods in with parameters of type Cluster
 void ServerInterface.connect( cnxn, ServerDef def, UserContextInterface user, Cluster cluster)
          Construct an OMIServer with the connection already established.
 void OMIServer.connect( cnxn, ServerDef def, UserContextInterface user, Cluster cluster)
          Construct an OMIServer with the connection already established.
 void ServerInterface.connect(ServerDef def, UserContextInterface user, Cluster cluster)
          Connect a user to an InformationService server.
 void OMIServer.connect(ServerDef def, UserContextInterface user, Cluster cluster)
 ServerInterface InformationServiceInterface.connect(UserContextInterface user, ServerDef serverDef, Cluster cluster)
          Connect to a ServerInterface object.
 ServerInterface InformationService.connect(UserContextInterface user, ServerDef serverDef, Cluster cluster)

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