Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceConfigDocument SAS Foundation Services. 

Uses of ServiceConfigDocument in

Methods in that return ServiceConfigDocument
 ServiceConfigDocument ServiceAggregateConfig.getBaseServiceConfig()
          Gets the base service configuration document.
static ServiceConfigDocument ServiceProfile.getServiceConfigDocument( property)
          Creates a value object that relates the name of a configuration to an XML document that represents a service configuration.
 ServiceConfigDocument ServiceAggregateConfig.getServiceConfigDocument(java.lang.String configName)
          Gets the service configuration document for the specified configuration name.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ServiceConfigDocument
 java.util.List<ServiceConfigDocument> ServiceInitializationObject.getConfigurations()
          Gets a copy of the collection of the service's configurations.
 java.util.List<ServiceConfigDocument> ServiceAggregateConfig.getServiceConfigDocuments()
          Returns a copy of the list of service configuration documents.
 java.util.List<ServiceConfigDocument> ServiceAggregateConfig.getServiceConfigDocuments(java.util.List<java.lang.String> configNames)
          Gets a list of service configuration documents for the specified configuration names.

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceConfigDocument
 AbstractServiceComponentConfig ServiceProfile.createServiceConfig(ServiceConfigDocument serviceConfigDocument)
          Creates a service component configuration initialized using the text store associated with the specified property.

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