Uses of Class

Packages that use Placement Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of Placement in

Fields in declared as Placement
static Placement Placement.BOTTOM
          Place at the bottom
static Placement Placement.BOTTOM_LEFT
          Place on the bottom left side
static Placement Placement.BOTTOM_RIGHT
          Place on the bottom right side
static Placement Placement.LEFTSIDE_BOTTOM
          Place on the left side, near the bottom
static Placement Placement.LEFTSIDE_CENTER
          Place on the leftside, center
static Placement Placement.LEFTSIDE_TOP
          Place on the left side, near the top
static Placement Placement.RIGHTSIDE_BOTTOM
          Place on the right side, near the bottom
static Placement Placement.RIGHTSIDE_CENTER
          Place on the rightside, center
static Placement Placement.RIGHTSIDE_TOP
          Place on the right side, near the top
static Placement Placement.TOP
          Place at the top
static Placement Placement.TOP_LEFT
          Place on the top left side
static Placement Placement.TOP_RIGHT
          Place on the top right side

Methods in that return Placement
static Placement Placement.get(int index)
          Return the enum corresponding to an index, or ordinal position.
static Placement Placement.get(java.lang.String name)
          Return the enum corresponding to an enum name
 Placement UpDownListBox.getButtonPlacement()
          Returns the spin button location
static Placement Placement.getEnum(int value)
          Return the enum containing a specified value
static Placement Placement.getFirst()
          Get the first enum in the sequence.
 Placement Placement.getNext()
          Return the next Placement in the sequence
static Placement is)
          Deserialization support.

Methods in with parameters of type Placement
 void UpDownListBox.setButtonPlacement(Placement buttonPlacement)
          Set the spin button location

Constructors in with parameters of type Placement
UpDownListBox(boolean multipleMode, Placement buttonPlacement)
          Create a new UpDownListBox with the specified properties
UpDownListBox(int rows, boolean multipleMode, Placement buttonPlacement)
          Deprecated. UpDownListBox no longer supports the rows option Use UpDownListBox(boolean multipleMode, Placement buttonPlacement)

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