Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeView Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of NodeView in

Methods in that return NodeView
 NodeView TreeView.getCurrentNode()
          Returns the current NodeView object.
 NodeView NodeView.getNextSibling()
          Returns the sibling node immediately following the current node.
 NodeView NodeViewTextEditor.getNodeView()
 NodeView TreeView.getNodeView([] path)
          Returns the NodeView object corresponding to the specified NodeInterface object path.
 NodeView TreeView.getNodeView( nodeI, int count)
          Returns the NodeView object corresponding to the specified NodeInterface object.
 NodeView TreeView.getNodeView(java.awt.Point point)
          Returns the node at a given point.
 NodeView TreeView.getNodeView( predicate)
          Returns the NodeView object for which the predicate evaluates to true.
 NodeView TreeView.getNodeView(java.lang.String selectedString, int count)
          Returns the NodeView object containing the specified string.
 NodeView NodeView.getParent()
          Returns the parent of the current node.
 NodeView NodeView.getPreviousSibling()
          Returns the sibling node immediately preceding the current node.
 NodeView TreeView.getRoot()
          Returns the root NodeView object.
 NodeView TreeView.getSelectedNode()
          Returns the selected NodeView object.
 NodeView[] TreeView.getSelectedNodes()
          Returns the selected NodeView objects.
protected  NodeView TreeView.getVisibleNode(int index)
          Retrieves a node from the visible node collection.
protected  NodeView DirectoryDialog.searchTree(NodeView node, java.lang.String val)
          search tree for expanded text (not currently supported in TreeView)

Methods in with parameters of type NodeView
 int NodeView.getIndex(NodeView childNode, int startIndex)
          Returns the index in the child list of the specified node.
 void TreeView.scrollToNode(NodeView node, boolean selectNode)
          Scrolls the specified node into view.
protected  NodeView DirectoryDialog.searchTree(NodeView node, java.lang.String val)
          search tree for expanded text (not currently supported in TreeView)
 void TreeView.setCurrentNode(NodeView newValue)
          Sets the current NodeView object.
 void NodeViewTextEditor.setNodeView(NodeView node)

Constructors in with parameters of type NodeView
NodeState(NodeView node)
          Constructs a NodeState object initializing the fields with the appropriate property values from the specified NodeView object.

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