Uses of Class

Packages that use CompositePanel Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of CompositePanel in

Subclasses of CompositePanel in
 class ComboBox
          ComboBox displays a list of items for selection and contains an optionally editable text control that allows the user to enter text that is not in the list portion of the comboBox.
 class DualSelector
          DualSelector is a class used for manipulating items between two lists.
 class TabBar
          The TabBar is a sub-class of CompositePanel that implements the TabBarInterface to contain TabButtonInterface components.
 class TabbedView
          The TabbedView is a container that allows multiple views to be defined in the same area and viewed exclusively.
 class TreeView
TreeView is a class which displays a hierarchical list of items.
 class UnitsBox
          A UnitsBox object is a visual component for entering a measurement value as a number, in one of a set of units.
 class UpDownListBox
          UpDownListBox presents a ListBox class with buttons for moving the items within the list box.

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