Class TimedCommand
All Implemented Interfaces:, ThreadedCommand, TimedCommandInterface

public class TimedCommand
implements TimedCommandInterface, ThreadedCommand

TimedCommand executes a command, with a timeout. If the command does not complete when the timeout expires, the operation is aborted (it's thread is interrupted or stopped) and a TimedOutException is thrown.

For example, a potentially long-lived operation, such as generating an ad-hoc SQL query, could be done in a TimedCommand. If no response is received after a fixed time out, the command is interrupted.

Interrupting Threads

In Java 2, the Thread.stop() method is deprecated. The clean way to halt a running thread is to interrupt it. TimedCommand will try to interrupt threads instead of stopping them. However, some command threads are not designed to be interrupted. Perhaps thay have a tight loop that never yields, never does I/O, or never checks the current Thread.interrupted() status. If your command object is of this form, then using interrupt won't work and you must use Thread.stop(). TimedCommand has a constructor argument, as well as an explicit useStop(boolean) method, to specify that it should use Thread.interrupted() for these cases.

However, if you wish the command to continue executing even after the timeout, you may use setMaxWaitTime(int) to specify how long the TimedCommand wll wait for the command to respond afer interrupting it. If the command does not complete after interval, it is assumed to be a runaway comand and the TimedCommand will throw a TimedOutException. However, the command will continue to execute and any registered cleanup command will run when the command completes.

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object cleanupArg
          The argument to pass to the cleanup command.
protected cleanupCommand
          A command to execute if the command finishes abnormally
protected command
          The command which executes under the timeout constraint.
protected  boolean finishOnCompletion
          If true, the thread dies when done, rather than be reused.
protected  int maxWaitInNanos
          The maximum amount of time, in nanoseconds, the TimedCommand will Object.wait(long, int) after interrupting the command.
protected  java.lang.Thread thread
          This object's thread.
protected  long timeoutInMillis
          the timeout constraint
protected tThread
          The thread in which the command executes.
protected  boolean useStop
          If true, use Thread.stop() instead of Thread.interrupt() See Interrupting Threads above.
Constructor Summary
          Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command timing out after a period of time.
TimedCommand( command, long timeoutInMillis, boolean finishOnCompletion, cleanupCommand)
          Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.
TimedCommand( command, long timeoutInMillis, boolean finishOnCompletion, cleanupCommand, boolean useStop)
          Deprecated. Since Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2, It is best to use a command that can be stopped by Thread.interrupt(). See Interrupting Threads above.
Method Summary
protected  void cleanup(java.lang.Object arg)
          Perform cleanup by executing the cleanup command, passing the argument.
 void configure( command, long timeoutInMillis, boolean finishOnCompletion, cleanupCommand)
          Configure a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.
 void configure( command, long timeoutInMillis, boolean finishOnCompletion, cleanupCommand, boolean useStop)
          Deprecated. Since Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2, It is best to use a command that can be stopped by Thread.interrupt(). See Interrupting Threads above.
 void execute(java.lang.Object arg)
          Starts a thread to execute the command's method (if the command is a TimedCommandInterface), or it's execute(Object) method if the command is just a SimpleCommand.
 void finalize()
          Finalize the object during garbage collection. getCleanupCommand()
          Return the command that executes if the command times out or is interrupted. getCommand()
          Return the command which this TimedCommand executes under a timeout constraint.
 boolean getFinishOnCompletion()
 int getMaxWaitTime()
          Return the maximum amount of time, in nanoseconds, the TimedCommand will Object.wait(long, int) after interrupting the command.
 long getTimeout()
          Return the timout duration (in milliseconds).
 void interrupt()
          Interrupt (or stop) the command, if it is alive.
 void interrupt(java.lang.Object arg)
          Interrupt the command, if it is alive.
protected  void interruptCommandThread()
          Interrupt the running TimedCommandThread thread, if it is running.
protected  boolean isRunning()
          Test if the inner thread is running
 void run(java.lang.Object arg)
          Starts a new thread in order to execute the command's method (if the command is a TimedCommandInterface), or it's execute(Object) method if the command is just a SimpleCommand.
 void setCleanupCommand( cleanupCommand)
          Set the command to execute if the command is interrupted, throws an exception, or if it times out before completing.
 void setCommand( command)
          Set the command which this object executes with a timeout.
 void setFinishOnCompletion(boolean state)
          If state is true, then when the command thread completes, it is allowed to terminate, rather than go idle to be reused.
 void setMaxWaitTime(int maxWaitTime)
          Set the maximum time, in nanoseconds, that this TimedComand will wait for the command to stop after interrupting it.
 void setTimeout(long timeoutInMillis)
          Set the timeout.
 java.lang.String toString()
 boolean useStop()
          Indicate if this TimedCommand will attempt to Thread.stop() the internal command execution thread upon timeouts or abnormal command completion.
 void useStop(boolean useStop)
          If useStop is true, this TimedCommand will attempt to Thread.stop() the internal command execution thread upon timeouts or abnormal command completion.
protected  void waitFor(long timeOut)
          Start the command and wait for it to finish or for abnormal termination.

Field Detail


protected command
The command which executes under the timeout constraint.


protected cleanupCommand
A command to execute if the command finishes abnormally


protected long timeoutInMillis
the timeout constraint


protected int maxWaitInNanos
The maximum amount of time, in nanoseconds, the TimedCommand will Object.wait(long, int) after interrupting the command. If 0, then Object.wait(). indefinitely.

Normally, a command can be interrupted and will stop execution. However, some commands invoke foreign operations which may not check for a thread interrupt. If this is the case, you should set the max wait time so that the TimedCommand does not block indefinitely waiting for the command to finish after interrupting it. If the command is still running after this amount of time, it is considered a runaway command and the TimedCommand will throw a TimedOutEXception even though the command may still be running. The command's clean up routine, if any, will be called when it finishes.

This integer does not have to be in the range [0,999999] as required by Object.wait(long,int). Instead, this value is ued to perform a wait(maxWaitTime/1000000, maxWaitTime % 1000000). For example, to wait for 50 microseconds, use setMaxWaitTime(50000). To wait for 2 milliseconds, use setMaxWaitTime(2000000)


protected transient tThread
The thread in which the command executes.


protected boolean useStop
If true, use Thread.stop() instead of Thread.interrupt() See Interrupting Threads above.


protected boolean finishOnCompletion
If true, the thread dies when done, rather than be reused.


protected transient java.lang.Thread thread
This object's thread.


protected java.lang.Object cleanupArg
The argument to pass to the cleanup command. This is normally the same argument passed to the run(Object) method, but interrupt(Object) may be used to interrupt the command and specify a different argument to pass to the cleanupCommand.

Constructor Detail


public TimedCommand()
Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command timing out after a period of time.


public TimedCommand( command,
                    long timeoutInMillis,
                    boolean finishOnCompletion,
Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.

timeoutInMillis - how long the command will be allowed to run before being interrupted.
finishOnCompletion - see setFinishOnCompletion(boolean)
cleanupCommand - a command to execute if the original command times out, is interrupted, or throws an exception.


public TimedCommand( command,
                    long timeoutInMillis,
                    boolean finishOnCompletion,
                    boolean useStop)
Deprecated. Since Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2, It is best to use a command that can be stopped by Thread.interrupt(). See Interrupting Threads above.

Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.

timeoutInMillis - how long the command will be allowed to run before being interrupted.
finishOnCompletion - see setFinishOnCompletion(boolean)
cleanupCommand - a command to execute if the original command times out, is interrupted, or throws an exception.
useStop - if true, use Thread.stop() instead of Thread.interrupt(). This is inherently dangerous; note that Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2.
Method Detail


public void configure( command,
                      long timeoutInMillis,
                      boolean finishOnCompletion,
Configure a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.

timeoutInMillis - how long the command will be allowed to run before being interrupted.
finishOnCompletion - see setFinishOnCompletion(boolean)
cleanupCommand - a command to execute if the original command times out, is interrupted, or throws an exception.


public void configure( command,
                      long timeoutInMillis,
                      boolean finishOnCompletion,
                      boolean useStop)
Deprecated. Since Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2, It is best to use a command that can be stopped by Thread.interrupt(). See Interrupting Threads above.

Create a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.

timeoutInMillis - how long the command will be allowed to run before being interrupted.
finishOnCompletion - see setFinishOnCompletion(boolean)
cleanupCommand - a command to execute if the original command times out, is interrupted, or throws an exception.
useStop - if true, use Thread.stop() instead of Thread.interrupt(). This is inherently dangerous; note that Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2.


public void setCommand( command)
Set the command which this object executes with a timeout. If the command implements TimedCommandInterface, then this TimedCommand will interrupt it if it times out and also process any exceptions it's run method throws.

command - timed command.


public getCommand()
Return the command which this TimedCommand executes under a timeout constraint.

the timed command


public void setCleanupCommand( cleanupCommand)
Set the command to execute if the command is interrupted, throws an exception, or if it times out before completing.

cleanupCommand - the cleanup command


public getCleanupCommand()
Return the command that executes if the command times out or is interrupted.

the cleanup command


public void setTimeout(long timeoutInMillis)
Set the timeout. When executing the command, if it does not complete after timeoutInMillis milliseconds, it is aborted.

timeoutInMillis - the timeout


public long getTimeout()
Return the timout duration (in milliseconds).

the timeout


public void setMaxWaitTime(int maxWaitTime)
Set the maximum time, in nanoseconds, that this TimedComand will wait for the command to stop after interrupting it.

Normally, a command can be interrupted and will stop execution. However, some commands invoke foreign operations which may not check for a thread interrupt. If this is the case, you should set the max wait time so that the TimedCommand does not block indefinitely waiting for the command to finish after interrupting it. If the command is still running after this amount of time, it is considered a runaway command and the TimedCommand will throw a TimedOutEXception even though the command may still be running. The command's clean up routine, if any, will be called when it finishes.

maxWaitTime - The maximum amount of time, in nanoseconds, the TimedCommand will Object.wait(long, int) after interrupting the command. If 0, then Object.wait() indefinitely. This integer does not have to be in the range [0,999999] as required by Object.wait(long,int). Instead, this value is ued to perform a wait(maxWaitTime/1000000, maxWaitTime % 1000000). For example, to wait for 50 microseconds, use setMaxWaitTime(50000). To wait for 2 milliseconds, use setMaxWaitTime(2000000)


public int getMaxWaitTime()
Return the maximum amount of time, in nanoseconds, the TimedCommand will Object.wait(long, int) after interrupting the command. If 0, then Object.wait() indefinitely.


public boolean useStop()
Indicate if this TimedCommand will attempt to Thread.stop() the internal command execution thread upon timeouts or abnormal command completion. Stopping threads is not recommended but in some cases the command does not support interrupt() in any useful manner. See Interrupting Threads above.


public void useStop(boolean useStop)
If useStop is true, this TimedCommand will attempt to Thread.stop() the internal command execution thread upon timeouts or abnormal command completion. Stopping threads is not recommended but in some cases the command does not support interrupt() in any useful manner.

useStop - if true, use Thread.stop() to interrupt a command that has run too long. If false, use Thread.interrupt() See Interrupting Threads above.


public void setFinishOnCompletion(boolean state)
If state is true, then when the command thread completes, it is allowed to terminate, rather than go idle to be reused. The default is false.


public boolean getFinishOnCompletion()


public void execute(java.lang.Object arg)
Starts a thread to execute the command's method (if the command is a TimedCommandInterface), or it's execute(Object) method if the command is just a SimpleCommand. If the execution of the command takes longer than the timeout, the thread is interrupted or stopped. This method simply calls run(Object) and catches and ignores any exceptions.

Specified by:
execute in interface
arg - the value to pass to getCommand().run(arg).


public void run(java.lang.Object arg)
         throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
Starts a new thread in order to execute the command's method (if the command is a TimedCommandInterface), or it's execute(Object) method if the command is just a SimpleCommand. If the execution of the command takes longer than the timeout, the thread is interrupted or stopped. If the command throws an exception, it is rethrown.

Specified by:
run in interface TimedCommandInterface
arg - the value to pass to getCommand().run(arg).
java.lang.InterruptedException - if the command was interrupted via interrupt()
TimedOutException - if the command did not complete normally after the timeout ocurred.
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - if the command execution throws some other exception


protected void waitFor(long timeOut)
                throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
Start the command and wait for it to finish or for abnormal termination.

timeOut - the amount of time to wait for the command, in milliseconds


public void interrupt(java.lang.Object arg)
Interrupt the command, if it is alive.


public void interrupt()
Interrupt (or stop) the command, if it is alive. If useStop() returns true, then the command thread is stopped via Thread.stop(), else it is simply interrupted. See Interrupting Threads above.

Specified by:
interrupt in interface ThreadedCommand


protected void interruptCommandThread()
Interrupt the running TimedCommandThread thread, if it is running. This happens when it takes to long to complete, or if this TimedCommand is interrupted from another thread, such as a CommandProgress dialog.


protected boolean isRunning()
Test if the inner thread is running


protected void cleanup(java.lang.Object arg)
Perform cleanup by executing the cleanup command, passing the argument. Also, if finishOnCompletion is true, set the reference to the TimedCommandThread to null.

arg - the argument to pass to the cleanup command. This is normally the same value passed to the run(Object) or execute(Object) method, but if this TimedCommand was interrupted, it is the argument passed to interrupt(Object)


public void finalize()
              throws java.lang.Throwable
Finalize the object during garbage collection.

finalize in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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