Class ContentServer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContentServer
implements java.lang.Runnable

A class for sending content to a browser (either through applet.showDocument or directly invoking the browser) or directly to an application. It communicates to a browser through a socket; for an application, it writes the data to a file first.
Example usage:

        ContentServer.export(pdfString.getBytes(), "application/pdf",
                          "", "", "pdf");

        ContentServer.export("1, 2, 3, 4".getBytes(), "application/x-comma-separated-values",
                          "", "", "csv");
or a more elaborate version:
    class SomeClass {
        protected final static String _excelArgs = " /r ";  // read-only
        protected final static String _fileExt = "csv";
        protected final static String EXCEL = "Excel";

        // assumes that something sets a system property called "Excel"
        protected static String getExcelEXE() {
            return System.getProperty(EXCEL, "C:\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel.exe");

        public static void export(StaticTableInterface table) {
            if (!ContentServer.isExportAllowed() || table == null)

            // set type for spreadsheet
            ContentServer.export(, "application/x-comma-separated-values",
                                 getExcelEXE(), _excelArgs, _fileExt);

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String _application
          The path of the application if using sendToApplication
protected  java.lang.String _browser
          The path of the browser if using sendToBrowserApp
protected static boolean _canWriteToDisk
          Are we allowed to write to disk?
protected static boolean _checked
          Have we checked if we can export and by what method?
protected  byte[] _content
          The content to be served as a byte array
protected static int _counter
          How many exports have we done?
protected static java.lang.String _echoURL
          The url of the echocgi.exe that we found
protected static java.lang.String[] _echoURLs
          The possible URLs for echocgi.exe - by default either Windows or Unix at /sasweb/cgi-bin/echocgi
protected  java.lang.String _extension
          The extension of the file (eg csv)
protected  java.lang.String _fileName
          The file name of the file to be Written to disk if using sendToApplication Requested from our internal mini-web server if using sendToBrowserServerSocket or sendToBrowserApp
protected static boolean _isInApplet
          Are we in an applet but not in appletviewer?
protected  int _localPort
          The local port of the server socket to listen on if we use a server socket, otherwise -1
protected  int _maxPort
          The maximum port to have the the server socket listen to if we use a server socket, defaults to 0 which will randomly choose an open port
protected  java.lang.String _mimeType
          The mime type of the content
protected  int _minPort
          The minimum port to have the the server socket listen to if we use a server socket, defaults to 0 which will randomly choose an open port
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer _printBuf
          A StringBuffer where verbose debugging text gets accumulated before being written to the text area.
protected  java.awt.Dialog _printDialog
          The dialog for holding a text area where verbose debug info gets written.
protected  java.awt.TextArea _printText
          The text area to write to in the dialog
protected _server
          The server socket we listen on if we use a server socket
protected static boolean _useEcho
          Should we be using echocgi.exe?
protected static boolean _useSockets
          Should we be using sockets?
protected static boolean _verbose
          Should we be writing out debugging info to a dialog we create?
protected static java.lang.String BROWSER
          Name of the java.lang.System property which tells us which web browser we're in.
static int CANT_ACCEPT
          Can't accept server connection.
          Can't get output stream.
          Can't get the full HTTP request from the client.
          Can't open server socket.
          Error while creating URL.
          Error while invoking application.
          Error while sending content.
          Error while sending content header.
          Error while writing data to file.
static java.lang.String[] errorMsgs
static java.lang.String RB_KEY
protected static int serverTimeOut
          The time out value in milli seconds set on the server socket, default value is 30000 (30 secs)
static int SUCCESS
static int TIMED_OUT
          Timed out waiting for connection.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a ContentServer object.
ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType, byte[] content, java.lang.String fileName)
ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.StringBuffer content, java.lang.String fileName)
ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String fileName)
Method Summary
protected  void dumpSysProps()
          Debugging -- dumps system properties.
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt)
          Exports the content given with a suggestion of a browser application.
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut)
          Exports the content given with a suggestion of a browser application.
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String fileExt)
          Exports the content given with a suggestion of an application.
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut)
          Exports the content given with a suggestion of an application.
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt)
          Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut)
          Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).
static void export(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut, int minPort, int maxPort)
          Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).
static void export(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt)
          Exports the content given with the suggestion of a browser application.
static void export(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut)
          Exports the content given with the suggestion of a browser application.
static void export(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String fileExt)
          Exports the content given with the suggestion of an application.
static void export(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String app, java.lang.String args, java.lang.String fileExt, int timeOut)
          Exports the content given with the suggestion of an application.
 java.lang.String getBaseTempFileName()
          Returns the prefix used for creating filenames for temporary files.
 byte[] getContent()
          Returns the content to export.
static java.lang.String getEchoURL()
 java.lang.String getFileExtension()
 java.lang.String getFileName()
 int getLocalPort()
          only valid after openServer() is called
 int getMaxPort()
          Returns the maximum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket, the default is 0.
 java.lang.String getMIMEType()
          Returns the MIME type we will use.
 int getMinPort()
          Returns the minimum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket, the default is 0.
static java.lang.String[] getPossibleEchoURLs()
          Returns the possible urls to look for echocgi on the originating web server.
static int getTimeOut()
static boolean isExportAllowed()
          Determines if exporting is allowed.
static boolean isExportToDiskAllowed()
          Determines if exporting to disk is allowed.
static boolean isExportUsingEchoCGIAllowed()
          Determines if exporting using echocgi is allowed.
static boolean isExportUsingSocketsAllowed()
          Determines if exporting using sockets is allowed.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          test code
 int openServer()
          Starts the socket server.
protected  boolean pathExists(java.lang.String path)
          Used to check whether a file exists.
protected  void println(java.lang.String s)
          For debugging -- creates a dialog with a TextArea and sends a lot of debugging status information to it.
protected  void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable t)
          For debugging -- sends the stack trace to the debug dialog.
protected  void readInputStream( s)
          Not currently used; really not useful for anything other than debugging
static void resetCheck()
          Before any exporting we call isExportAllowed() to check if we are allowed to export.
 void run()
          The mini-web server thread - just serve content requested.
protected  void sendContent( os)
          Sends the Content to the client.
protected  java.lang.String sendCreateCmd()
          Sends the content to the echocgi.
protected  void sendDeleteCmd(java.lang.String resultsFile)
          Sends the delete command to echocgi to tell it to delete the content.
protected  void sendHeader( os)
          Sends the HTTP header to the client.
protected  void sendShowCmd(java.lang.String resultsFile)
          Sends the show command to a new browser window.
 int sendToApplication(boolean deleteFile)
          Writes the content to a file on the disk and opens the application pointing to that file.
 int sendToBrowser()
          Sends the content to the browser either with a socket or with echocgi.
 int sendToBrowserApp()
          Send to browser where browser must first be invoked.
protected  int sendToBrowserEcho()
          Sends the content to the browser by bouncing it off the server using echocgi.
protected  int sendToBrowserServerSocket()
          Serves the content to the browser via an internal web server.
 int serveContent()
          Serves the content in response to a request to this mini-web server.
protected  int serveContentImpl()
          Does the work of serving the content in reponse to a request to this mini-web server.
 boolean setApplication(java.lang.String application, java.lang.String args)
          Sets the application name for exporting to an application.
 void setBaseTempFileName(java.lang.String prefix)
          Sets the prefix used for creating filenames for temporary files.
 boolean setBrowser(java.lang.String browser)
          Sets the name of the browser.
 void setContent(byte[] content)
          Sets the content to export.
 void setContent(java.lang.String content)
          Sets the content to export.
 void setContent(java.lang.StringBuffer content)
          Sets the content to export.
 void setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
          Deprecated. use setMIMEType
 void setFileExtension(java.lang.String extension)
          File extension, such as csv, doc, or pdf
 void setFileName(java.lang.String fileName)
          Sets the filename to be used with sendToApplication.
 void setMaxPort(int maxPort)
          Sets the maximum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket.
 void setMIMEType(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Sets the MIME type to use when exporting.
 void setMinPort(int minPort)
          Sets the minimum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket.
static void setPossibleEchoURLs(java.lang.String[] echoURLs)
          Sets the urls to search for echocgi.
static void setTimeOut(int newTimeOut)
          Sets the time out value for the server socket in milli seconds.
static ContentServer setupTest()
static void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
          Indicates whether debug information should be sent to a debugging dialog.
 void showStatus(java.lang.String status)
          Displays a message in the browser's status bar
static void test()
static void testApplet(java.applet.Applet applet)
static void testBrowser(java.lang.String browserPath)
static void testExcel(java.lang.String excelPath)

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RB_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected byte[] _content
The content to be served as a byte array


protected java.lang.String _mimeType
The mime type of the content


protected _server
The server socket we listen on if we use a server socket


protected int _localPort
The local port of the server socket to listen on if we use a server socket, otherwise -1


protected int _minPort
The minimum port to have the the server socket listen to if we use a server socket, defaults to 0 which will randomly choose an open port


protected int _maxPort
The maximum port to have the the server socket listen to if we use a server socket, defaults to 0 which will randomly choose an open port


protected static int serverTimeOut
The time out value in milli seconds set on the server socket, default value is 30000 (30 secs)


protected java.lang.String _fileName
The file name of the file to be


protected java.lang.String _extension
The extension of the file (eg csv)


protected java.lang.String _browser
The path of the browser if using sendToBrowserApp


protected java.lang.String _application
The path of the application if using sendToApplication


protected static boolean _isInApplet
Are we in an applet but not in appletviewer?


protected static boolean _useSockets
Should we be using sockets?


protected static boolean _useEcho
Should we be using echocgi.exe?


protected static java.lang.String _echoURL
The url of the echocgi.exe that we found


protected static java.lang.String[] _echoURLs
The possible URLs for echocgi.exe - by default either Windows or Unix at /sasweb/cgi-bin/echocgi


protected static boolean _checked
Have we checked if we can export and by what method?

See Also:
isExportAllowed(), resetCheck()


protected static boolean _canWriteToDisk
Are we allowed to write to disk?


protected static int _counter
How many exports have we done?


protected static final java.lang.String BROWSER
Name of the java.lang.System property which tells us which web browser we're in.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static boolean _verbose
Should we be writing out debugging info to a dialog we create?


protected java.lang.StringBuffer _printBuf
A StringBuffer where verbose debugging text gets accumulated before being written to the text area.


protected java.awt.TextArea _printText
The text area to write to in the dialog


protected java.awt.Dialog _printDialog
The dialog for holding a text area where verbose debug info gets written.


public static final int SUCCESS

See Also:
sendToApplication(boolean), sendToBrowserApp(), sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserEcho(), sendToBrowserServerSocket(), openServer(), serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int CANT_OPEN_SERVERSOCKET
Can't open server socket.

See Also:
sendToBrowserApp(), sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserServerSocket(), openServer(), Constant Field Values


public static final int CANT_ACCEPT
Can't accept server connection.

See Also:
sendToBrowser(), serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int CANT_GET_OUTPUT_STREAM
Can't get output stream.

See Also:
serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int TIMED_OUT
Timed out waiting for connection.

See Also:
serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_SENDING_HEADER
Error while sending content header.

See Also:
serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_SENDING_CONTENT
Error while sending content.

See Also:
sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserEcho(), sendToBrowserServerSocket(), serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_CREATING_URL
Error while creating URL.

See Also:
sendToBrowserServerSocket(), sendToBrowser(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_WRITING_FILE
Error while writing data to file.

See Also:
sendToApplication(boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_INVOKING_APP
Error while invoking application.

See Also:
sendToApplication(boolean), sendToBrowserApp(), Constant Field Values


public static final int CANT_GET_REQUEST
Can't get the full HTTP request from the client.

See Also:
serveContent(), serveContentImpl(), Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] errorMsgs
Constructor Detail


public ContentServer()
Constructs a ContentServer object.


public ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType,
                     byte[] content,
                     java.lang.String fileName)
contentType - The content's MIME type
content - The content to be sent
fileName - The file name to be used in a URL (when sendToBrowser is called) or the file to be written to disk (when sendToApplication is called)


public ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType,
                     java.lang.StringBuffer content,
                     java.lang.String fileName)
contentType - The content's MIME type
content - The content to be sent
fileName - The file name to be used in a URL (when sendToBrowser is called) or the file to be written to disk (when sendToApplication is called)


public ContentServer(java.lang.String contentType,
                     java.lang.String content,
                     java.lang.String fileName)
contentType - The content's MIME type
content - The content to be sent
fileName - The file name to be used in a URL (when sendToBrowser is called) or the file to be written to disk (when sendToApplication is called)
Method Detail


public static void resetCheck()
Before any exporting we call isExportAllowed() to check if we are allowed to export. Calling resetCheck() forces isExportAllowed() to determine afresh whether exporting is in fact allowed and what method to use.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getBaseTempFileName()
Returns the prefix used for creating filenames for temporary files.


public void setBaseTempFileName(java.lang.String prefix)
Sets the prefix used for creating filenames for temporary files. The temporary filename(s) will be named as: prefix + counter value (initial value of 0, incremented each time a file is created) + file extension. The prefix must have a minimum length of 3 characters.

prefix - filename prefix


public static boolean isExportUsingSocketsAllowed()
Determines if exporting using sockets is allowed.

See Also:
export(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserServerSocket()


public static boolean isExportUsingEchoCGIAllowed()
Determines if exporting using echocgi is allowed.

See Also:
export(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserEcho()


public static boolean isExportToDiskAllowed()
Determines if exporting to disk is allowed.

See Also:
export(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), sendToApplication(boolean), sendToBrowserApp()


public static boolean isExportAllowed()
Determines if exporting is allowed. This is accomplished by performing the following:

if an applet NOT running in appletviewer:

if an application or an applet running in appletviewer:

This method will return a boolean indicating whether export is allowed; it does not return any information as to which method it determined should be used for export. To determine whether a method is permissible for export, the user can invoke one of the methods listed below (.ie call isExportToDiskAllowed if you wish to know if you can write to disk).

See Also:
sendToBrowser(), sendToBrowserServerSocket(), sendToBrowserEcho(), sendToApplication(boolean), sendToBrowserApp(), export(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), resetCheck()


public static void export(java.lang.String content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String fileExt)
Exports the content given with the suggestion of an application.

content - The content to be served as a String
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv


public static void export(java.lang.String content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut)
Exports the content given with the suggestion of an application.

content - The content to be served as a String
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket


public static void export(java.lang.String content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt)
Exports the content given with the suggestion of a browser application.

content - The content to be served as a String
contentType - The MIME type of the content
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv


public static void export(java.lang.String content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut)
Exports the content given with the suggestion of a browser application.

content - The content to be served as a String
contentType - The MIME type of the content
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String fileExt)
Exports the content given with a suggestion of an application.

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut)
Exports the content given with a suggestion of an application.

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt)
Exports the content given with a suggestion of a browser application.

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut)
Exports the content given with a suggestion of a browser application.

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt)
Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut)
Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket


public static void export(byte[] content,
                          java.lang.String contentType,
                          java.lang.String app,
                          java.lang.String args,
                          java.lang.String browser,
                          java.lang.String fileExt,
                          int timeOut,
                          int minPort,
                          int maxPort)
Exports the content given with suggestions for an application and a browser application (potentially null).

content - The content to be served as an array of bytes.
contentType - The MIME type of the content
app - The name of the application to export to
args - The arguments to pass to the application
browser - The name of the browser to use - eg "iexplore.exe"
fileExt - The extension of the file to pass it - eg csv
timeOut - The time out value to use on the ServerSocket
minPort - The minimum port to open the ServerSocket on if a ServerSocket is used, default is 0 which causes a random port to be used
maxPort - The maximum port to open the ServerSocket on if a ServerSocket is used, default is 0 which causes a random port to be used


public static void setTimeOut(int newTimeOut)
Sets the time out value for the server socket in milli seconds. Default value is 30000 (30 seconds).

newTimeOut - The time out value to use
See Also:


public static int getTimeOut()


public static void setPossibleEchoURLs(java.lang.String[] echoURLs)
Sets the urls to search for echocgi.

echoURLs - Array of strings of relative urls to the nase URL of the originating web server.


public static java.lang.String[] getPossibleEchoURLs()
Returns the possible urls to look for echocgi on the originating web server.


public static java.lang.String getEchoURL()


public boolean setApplication(java.lang.String application,
                              java.lang.String args)
Sets the application name for exporting to an application.

The - name of the application we want to export to. eg quot;C:\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Excel.exe"
args - The arguments to pass to the application


public boolean setBrowser(java.lang.String browser)
Sets the name of the browser.

The - name of the browser program or null for the system defined browser. Eg "c:\\Program Files\\Plus!\\Microsoft Internet\\iexplore.exe".


public static void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
Indicates whether debug information should be sent to a debugging dialog.

verbose - true means turn debugging on, false means turn it off.


public int sendToApplication(boolean deleteFile)
Writes the content to a file on the disk and opens the application pointing to that file.

deleteFile - true means delete the temporary file when finished.
See Also:


public int sendToBrowserApp()
Send to browser where browser must first be invoked.

See Also:


public int sendToBrowser()
Sends the content to the browser either with a socket or with echocgi.

See Also:


protected java.lang.String sendCreateCmd()
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Sends the content to the echocgi.

java.lang.Exception - - MalformedURLException, IOException etc.


protected void sendShowCmd(java.lang.String resultsFile)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Sends the show command to a new browser window.

resultsFile - The filename echocgi told us to ask for.
java.lang.Exception - MalformedURLException, IOException, etc.


protected void sendDeleteCmd(java.lang.String resultsFile)
Sends the delete command to echocgi to tell it to delete the content. This waits for 1 minute for exporting to work and then deletes. It does this in a separate thread so this method returns immediately.

resultsFile - The file echocgi originally gave to us to identify our content.


protected int sendToBrowserEcho()
Sends the content to the browser by bouncing it off the server using echocgi. A socket is opened to echocgi and data is written to the web server. A browser is then opened pointing to echocgi to load the data back.

See Also:


protected int sendToBrowserServerSocket()
Serves the content to the browser via an internal web server. This is accomplished by opening a web server on a random high local port within the applet and making a new browser window asking for the content from this server.

See Also:


public void setFileName(java.lang.String fileName)
Sets the filename to be used with sendToApplication. NOTE: File name with the file extension

fileName - The filename to use
See Also:


public java.lang.String getFileName()


public void setFileExtension(java.lang.String extension)
File extension, such as csv, doc, or pdf


public java.lang.String getFileExtension()


public void setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
Deprecated. use setMIMEType


public void setMIMEType(java.lang.String mimeType)
Sets the MIME type to use when exporting.

mimeType - The MIME type to use.


public java.lang.String getMIMEType()
Returns the MIME type we will use.


public void setContent(byte[] content)
Sets the content to export.

content - The content.


public void setContent(java.lang.StringBuffer content)
Sets the content to export.

content - The content.


public void setContent(java.lang.String content)
Sets the content to export.

content - The content.


public byte[] getContent()
Returns the content to export.


public int getLocalPort()
only valid after openServer() is called


public void setMinPort(int minPort)
Sets the minimum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket. The default is 0 which will cause a random port number to be used. If the maximum port number is less then the new minimum port number, the maximum will be set equal to the minimum port.

minPort - the new minimum port number to be used
See Also:


public int getMinPort()
Returns the minimum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket, the default is 0.

the minimum port number to use when opening a ServerSocket, users can use this to set a specfic port to open a ServerSocket on
See Also:


public void setMaxPort(int maxPort)
Sets the maximum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket. The default is 0 which will cause a random port number to be used. If the minimum port number is more then the new maximum port number, the minimum will be set equal to the maximum port.

maxPort - the new maximum port number to be used
See Also:


public int getMaxPort()
Returns the maximum port to be used when opening up a ServerSocket, the default is 0.

the maximum port number to use when opening a ServerSocket, users can use this to set a specfic port to open a ServerSocket on
See Also:


public int openServer()
Starts the socket server.

See Also:


public void run()
The mini-web server thread - just serve content requested.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public int serveContent()
Serves the content in response to a request to this mini-web server.

See Also:


protected int serveContentImpl()
Does the work of serving the content in reponse to a request to this mini-web server.

See Also:


protected void sendHeader( os)
Sends the HTTP header to the client.

os - The output stream to write the header to.
Throws: - If there was an I/O problem.


protected void sendContent( os)
Sends the Content to the client.

os - The output stream to write the header to.
Throws: - If there was an I/O problem.


protected boolean pathExists(java.lang.String path)
Used to check whether a file exists.

path - The path we want to check existence on.


public void showStatus(java.lang.String status)
Displays a message in the browser's status bar

status - The message to display.


protected void readInputStream( s)
Not currently used; really not useful for anything other than debugging

s - The socket to read input from.


protected void println(java.lang.String s)
For debugging -- creates a dialog with a TextArea and sends a lot of debugging status information to it.

s - The string to write.


protected void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable t)
For debugging -- sends the stack trace to the debug dialog.

t - The error or exception to print a stack trace of.


protected void dumpSysProps()
Debugging -- dumps system properties.


public static ContentServer setupTest()


public static void testApplet(java.applet.Applet applet)


public static void testExcel(java.lang.String excelPath)


public static void testBrowser(java.lang.String browserPath)


public static void test()


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
test code

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