Class CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag
All Implemented Interfaces:, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally

public class CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag

CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor custom tag . CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag is invoked by the JSP page to evaluate the sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor custom tag during the execution of the page. Tag handler methods are called by the JSP page implementation class at various points during the evaluation of the tag. The tag handler methods in turn call methods on the underlying Transformation Bean object, CellContentsTextAreaEditor, to execute the methods.

If you need to extend or modify the functionality of the sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor custom tag, you can subclass this tag handler class.

For More Information:

Visit the AppDev Studio Developer's Site to access step-by-step examples, white papers and additional usage information at

Refer to the Custom Tag Library Reference for usage information on the sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor custom tag.

Note: A snapshot of the AppDev Studio Developers Site is installed on your local Web server when you install AppDev Studio. To access the site from webAF, select Help -> Developer Site.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
accessKey, onBlur, onChange, onClick, onDblClick, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onSelect, styleClassPrefix, tabIndex
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int doEndTag()
          Process the end tag.
 int doStartTag()
          Processes the start tag for this instance.
Methods inherited from class
applyAttributes, getColumns, getEnabled, getReadOnly, getRows, getText, getWrap, initialize, setColumns, setEnabled, setReadOnly, setRows, setText, setWrap
Methods inherited from class
getAccessKey, getOnBlur, getOnChange, getOnClick, getOnDblClick, getOnFocus, getOnKeyDown, getOnKeyPress, getOnKeyUp, getOnMouseDown, getOnMouseMove, getOnMouseOut, getOnMouseOver, getOnMouseUp, getOnSelect, getStyleClassPrefix, getTabIndex, isEnabled, setAccessKey, setOnBlur, setOnChange, setOnClick, setOnDblClick, setOnFocus, setOnKeyDown, setOnKeyPress, setOnKeyUp, setOnMouseDown, setOnMouseMove, setOnMouseOut, setOnMouseOver, setOnMouseUp, setOnSelect, setStyleClassPrefix, setTabIndex
Methods inherited from class
getCustomAttributes, getEpilog, getLocale, getName, getObjectDataProperty, getProlog, getRender, getRenderType, setCustomAttributes, setEpilog, setLocale, setName, setObjectDataProperty, setProlog, setRender, setRenderType
Methods inherited from class
doCatch, doFinally, getApplyAttributes, getBodyStrings, getCompositeComponentKey, getInstantiate, getPageContext, getRef, getScope, getTagScope, getWrappedClassName, getWrappedObject, getWrappedObject, loadBeanInstance, newInstance, release, removeFromScope, searchContext, setApplyAttributes, setCompositeComponentKey, setInstantiate, setRef, setScope, setTagScope, setVariableWithinScope, setWrappedClassName, setWrappedObject, validate

Constructor Detail


public CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag()
Method Detail


public int doStartTag()
               throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Processes the start tag for this instance. The doStartTag() method assumes that all setter methods have been invoked before. When this method is invoked, the body has not yet been invoked.

Specified by:
doStartTag in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doStartTag in class TextAreaTag
int designating the next course of action for the tag/jsp page.
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException - Thrown if a JspException occurs.
See Also:
BaseBodyTag.setInstantiate(boolean), TagSupport.doStartTag()


public int doEndTag()
             throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Process the end tag. This method will be called on all Tag objects.

Specified by:
doEndTag in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doEndTag in class BaseTransformationBodyTag
int designating the next course of action for the tag/jsp page.
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException - Thrown if a JspException occurs.
See Also:
TagSupport.doEndTag(), BaseBodyTag.setInstantiate(boolean)

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