Uses of Class

Packages that use TableElement A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. 

Uses of TableElement in

Subclasses of TableElement in
 class Cell
          Defines an abstract base class for TableView's data and label cells.
 class CellVector
          Defines an abstract base class for TableView's columns and rows.
 class Column
          Represents a column in a TableView.
 class DataCell
          Represents a data cell in a TableView.
 class LabelCell
          Represents a label cell in a TableView.
 class Row
          Represents a row in a TableView.

Methods in that return TableElement
 TableElement TableView.getCurrentElement()
          Returns the value of the current element.
protected abstract  TableElement TableElement.getThis()
          Returns the TableElement instance to delegate all variable access to.
protected  TableElement CellVector.getThis()
          Returns the TableElement instance to delegate all variable access to.
protected  TableElement Cell.getThis()
          Returns the TableElement instance to delegate all variable access to.

Methods in with parameters of type TableElement
abstract  boolean TableElement.equals(TableElement other)
          Compares this and a given table element for equality.
 boolean CellVector.equals(TableElement obj)
          Compares this and a given table element for equality.
 boolean Cell.equals(TableElement obj)
          Compares this and a given table element for equality.
protected abstract  Selection Selection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection RowSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection ColumnSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection CellSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  void Selection.onEndChanged(TableElement oldValue, TableElement newValue)
          Called by setEnd() to notify subclasses of a change to the end.
protected  void CellVectorSelection.onEndChanged(TableElement oldValue, TableElement newValue)
          Called by setEnd() to notify subclasses of a change to the end.
protected  void CellSelection.onEndChanged(TableElement oldValue, TableElement newValue)
          Called by setEnd() to notify subclasses of a change to the end.
protected  void TableView.populatePopupMenu(java.awt.PopupMenu popupMenu, TableElement element)
          Populates a popup menu based on a given context (element).
 void TableView.setCurrentElement(TableElement newValue)
          Sets the value of the current element.

Constructors in with parameters of type TableElement
Selection(TableElement anchor)
          Alias for Selection(anchor, anchor).
Selection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Constructs a new selection with the given extent.

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