Uses of Class

Packages that use Selection A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. 

Uses of Selection in

Subclasses of Selection in
 class CellSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of cells in a TableView.
 class CellVectorSelection
          Defines an abstract base class for representing TableView column and row selections.
 class ColumnSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of columns in a TableView.
 class RowSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of rows in a TableView.

Fields in declared as Selection
 Selection[] SelectionChangedEvent.additions
          An array of Selections which represent the items added to the source Selection.
 Selection[] SelectionChangedEvent.deletions
          An array of Selections which represent the items deleted from the source Selection.

Methods in that return Selection
protected abstract  Selection Selection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection RowSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection ColumnSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.
protected  Selection CellSelection.newSelection(TableElement anchor, TableElement end)
          Creates a new selection of the same class, but with different items.

Methods in with parameters of type Selection
 void range, boolean extend)
          Selects a range.

Constructors in with parameters of type Selection
SelectionChangedEvent(java.lang.Object source, Selection[] additions, Selection[] deletions)
          Constructs a new SelectionChangedEvent object.
SelectionChangedEvent(java.lang.Object source, Selection[] additions, Selection[] deletions)
          Constructs a new SelectionChangedEvent object.

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