Uses of Class

Packages that use Cell A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. 

Uses of Cell in

Subclasses of Cell in
 class DataCell
          Represents a data cell in a TableView.
 class LabelCell
          Represents a label cell in a TableView.

Fields in declared as Cell
protected  Cell CellView.cell
          Alias for "getCell()".

Methods in that return Cell
 Cell TableView.findCell(java.awt.Point point)
          Finds the cell that contains a given point.
 Cell CheckBoxCell.getCell()
 Cell CellViewInterface.getCell()
          Returns the Cell this view is associated with.
 Cell CellView.getCell()
          Returns the Cell this view is associated with.
protected  Cell LabelCell.getThisCell()
          Returns the Cell instance to delegate all variable access to.
protected  Cell DataCell.getThisCell()
          Returns the Cell instance to delegate all variable access to.
protected abstract  Cell Cell.getThisCell()
          Returns the Cell instance to delegate all variable access to.

Methods in with parameters of type Cell
 boolean LabelCell.equals(Cell obj)
          Compares this and a given cell for equality.
 boolean DataCell.equals(Cell obj)
          Compares this and a given cell for equality.
abstract  boolean Cell.equals(Cell other)
          Compares this and a given cell for equality.
 void TablePainterInterface.paintCell(Cell cell, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Paints the background of the given cell.
 void TableView.scrollToCell(Cell cell, boolean makeFirst)
          Ensures that a cell is scrolled fully into view.
 void CheckBoxCell.setCell(Cell c)
 void CellViewInterface.setCell(Cell cell)
          Informs the view of the cell that owns it.
 void CellView.setCell(Cell cell)
          Informs the view of the cell that owns it.

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