Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


A set of classes used to develop a swing-based wizard.


Interface Summary
WizardPageInterface WizardPageInterface is an interface used by pages contained in a Wizard.

Class Summary
BackAction BackAction handles a Wizard's back events.
BaseWizardPage This class is provided as a convenience for easily creating wizard pages, and is designed to be subclassed.
ButtonLayout A layout manager for a container that lays out components in a single horizontal row, allowing components to specify the amount of space to place to the right of themselves.
ButtonNavigationPanel The ButtonNavigationPanel is a panel containing buttons designed to navigate through the pages of a Wizard object.
CancelAction CancelAction handles a Wizard's cancel events.
FinishAction FinishAction handles a Wizard's next events.
HelpAction HelpAction handles a Wizard's help events.
Next_FinishAction Next_FinishAction handles a Wizard's next and finish events.
SummaryPage A subclass of BaseWizardPage provided as a convenience class to be used as a summary page in a wizard.
Wizard Wizard is a class that provides a framework to develop wizards.
WizardPageDeck WizardPageDeck is responsible for containing, displaying, and managing the pages in a Wizard object.

Package Description

A set of classes used to develop a swing-based wizard.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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