Class ImageView
All Implemented Interfaces:
ResourceConsumerInterface,,,, ResizeToFitInterface, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener,, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, javax.swing.Icon

public class ImageView
implements javax.swing.Icon,, ResizeToFitInterface,, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, ResourceConsumerInterface

The ImageView displays an image in the component area. The image can be specified with either a URL, the image name and path, or a java.awt.image object.

Creating an ImageView Component

A valid instance is created by instantiating an object of ImageView from one of the three constructors.

 // Default Constructor
 ImageView imageView1 = new ImageView();
 // Sets source path
 ImageView imageView2 = new ImageView("d:/source.gif");
 ImageView imageView3 = new ImageView("");
 // Sets image to specified object
 ImageView imageView4 = new ImageView( new"") );
 // Sets image to specified source relative to a certain class
 ImageView imageView4 = new ImageView(, "res/DefaultIDEImage32.gif" );
 // Sets image to specified java.awt.image object
 ImageView imageView4 = new ImageView( (java.awt.image)imgSource );



There are several different ways of setting the source of the image to be displayed.


The image will resize the component if possible to fit the current source image. This only works when the Display Mode is set to NO_SCALE. When the Display Mode is set to something else, ResizeToFit will automatically be set to false.

Display Mode

The Display mode sets how the image will be displayed within the component area. There are five display modes.


The ImageFilter will create and display a filtered image based on the current source image. If no imageFilter is set or the imageFilter is set to null, the original source image will be displayed.


This allows an application that uses the imageView to wait until all of the image is loaded. IF THE PREFERRED SIZE OF AN IMAGEVIEW IS CHECKED BEFORE THE IMAGE IS LOADED IT WILL BE INCORRECT.

 ImageView imageView1.setSource("d:/source.gif");
 java.awt.MediaTracker mediaTrack = imageView1.getMediaTracker();
     mediaTrack.waitForAll();  // Waits for all images associated with this tracker to be loaded.
 catch ( InterruptedException e )


The ImageLoadWait uses the MediaTracker to wait for the images to load. This is set to true by default.

See Also:
Icon, ResourceLocatorInterface, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String absoluteSource
          The absolute path and name of the source
static int AUTO_SCALE
          DisplayMode value AUTO_SCALE: Image is scaled to fit within the component but keeps its aspect ratio.
protected  java.awt.Insets currentInsets
          The insets set on the ImageView less the amount of the border insets at the time the insets were set.
protected  boolean defaultImageLoaded
          Flag indicating the defaultImage is loaded.
protected  java.awt.Image disabledImage
          The disabled image filtered using a GrayFilter.
protected  java.awt.Image dispImage
          The image actually painted.
protected  int displayMode
          The displayMode of the image
protected  java.awt.Image filteredImage
          The original image filtered using the imageFilter.
protected  java.awt.Image image
          The original image created to display.
protected  boolean imageWait
          Flag indicating that the MediaTracker will be used to load the images.
          The last DisplayMode value used
protected  java.awt.Image missingImage
          The missing file image.
static int NO_SCALE
          DisplayMode value NO_SCALE: Image is displayed at original size.
protected  int oldHeight
          The previous height the image was painted at.
protected  int oldWidth
          The previous width the image was painted at.
static java.lang.String RB_KEY
protected  java.lang.String relativeSource
          The path and name of the source relative to the relativeSourceClass location.
protected  java.lang.Class relativeSourceClass
          The class to use as the root location for the relative path and name of the source.
protected  java.lang.String relativeSourceClassName
          The name of the class to use as the root location for the relative path and name of the source.
protected resourceLocator
          The ResourceLocator used to locate the image to be displayed, returns a valid URL is possible.
static int SCALE
          DisplayMode value SCALE: Image is scaled to the size of the component and then displayed.
static int SCALE_HEIGHT
          DisplayMode value SCALE_HEIGHT: Image is scaled to the height of the component with the original aspect ratio.
static int SCALE_WIDTH
          DisplayMode value SCALE_WIDTH: Image is scaled to the width of the component with the original aspect ratio.
protected  java.lang.String source
          The source of the image displayed.
protected  boolean sourceAppletRelative
          Flag indicating to use find the source relative to the applet the ImageView is used in
protected sourceURL
          The URL of the source.
static int TILE
          DisplayMode value TILE: Image is tiled of the area of the component
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor
ImageView(java.lang.Class relativeClass, java.lang.String relativeSrc)
          Constructor that creates an ImageView with a relative class and a source relative to that class.
ImageView(java.awt.Image img)
          Constructor that displays an existing image.
ImageView( resourceLocator)
          Constuctor that creates an ImageView using the given ResourceLocatorInterface to locate the image to display.
ImageView(java.lang.String src)
          Constructor that takes a String holding the source path or URL string for the image
ImageView( srcURL)
          Constuctor that creates an ImageView with URL source.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Create a clone of this ImageView.
 java.awt.Dimension computePreferredSize()
          Compute the preferred size of the image.
protected  java.awt.Image createDisabledImage(java.awt.Image img)
          Create an image based on the image given that greys out the colors.
protected  void createDisplayImage(int width, int height)
          Create the image to be displayed.
 java.awt.Image createFilteredImage(java.awt.Image img, java.awt.image.ImageFilter imgFilter)
          Create an image based on the image given that is filtered using the given ImageFilter.
protected  java.awt.Image createTiledImage(java.awt.Image img, int width, int height)
          Create an image based on the image given that is tiled over the entire area of the ImageView.
static int getDefaultHeight()
          Returns the default height to display the ImageView with.
static int getDefaultWidth()
          Returns the default width to display the ImageView with.
 int getDisplayMode()
          Returns the display mode of the imageView.
static getExtendedBeanInfo()
          Returns information used by the to augment the automatically introspected information about this ImageView.
 int getIconHeight()
          Gets the height of the image.
 int getIconWidth()
          Gets the width of the image.
 java.awt.Image getImage()
          Returns the original image object for the current display.
 java.awt.image.ImageFilter getImageFilter()
          Returns the image filter to apply to the image.
 java.awt.MediaTracker getMediaTracker()
          Returns the MediaTracker so external sources can track the loading of the images.
 java.awt.Dimension getMinimumSize()
          Returns the minimum size of the ImageView.
 java.awt.Image getMissingFileImage()
          Returns the image used if the image is missing.
 java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize()
          Gets the preferredSizeon the ImageView, normally just the size of the image.
 java.lang.Class getRelativeSourceClass()
          Gets the class that is used with the relative source path.
 java.util.Vector getRequiredInterfaces()
          Returns the required interfaces Vector for this component. getResourceLocator()
          Gets the instance of ResourceLocatorInterface that is used to locate the URL of the image.
 java.lang.String getSource()
          Gets the source (file location) for obtaining the image
 java.lang.String getSourceAbsolute()
          Gets the absolute source name for the image to display.
 java.lang.String getSourceRelative()
          Gets the source, relative to the relativeSourceClass, of the image to display. getSourceURL()
          Gets the URL object for the image file to be displayed.
static boolean imageExists( rli)
          Returns true if an image get be retrieved from the given ResourceLocatorInterface, false otherwise.
 boolean isImageLoadWait()
          Returns if the ImageView will wait for the image to load.
 boolean isResizeToFit()
          Returns the value of the resizeToFit property If set to true, then the ImageView object will resize itself to the size of the image it displays.
 boolean isSourceAppletRelative()
          Returns whether or not the image source is relative to the applet For true to be returned, the ResourceLocatorInterface must be of type AppletResourceLocator, else false is returned.
protected  void loadDisplayImage()
          Load the images that have been created.
 void paint(java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Paints the image in the ImageView objects with specified displayMode
 void paintComponent(java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Paints the image in the ImageView objects with specified displayMode
 void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Paint the ImageView
 void paintIcon(java.awt.Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y)
          Paints the ImageView.
 void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent event)
          Handle PropertyChangeEvents from the model.
 void refresh()
          Sets the source for the image from the attached model.
 void resizeToFit()
          Reset the size of the ImageView to the preferredSize.
 void setBorder(javax.swing.border.Border border)
          Sets the border for the ImageView.
 void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Call super.setBounds() and then repaint the entire component.
static void setDefaultHeight(int newHeight)
          Sets the default height to display the ImageView with.
 void setDefaultValues()
          This method sets the initial values to the default values.
static void setDefaultWidth(int newWidth)
          Sets the default width to display the ImageView with.
 void setDisplayMode(int mode)
          Sets the display mode of the image.
 void setImage(java.awt.Image img)
          Sets the image object to be displayed in the ImageView.
 void setImageFilter(java.awt.image.ImageFilter imgFilter)
          Sets the image filter that will be applied to the original image source to produce the image that is displayed.
 void setImageLoadWait(boolean loadWait)
          Sets the ImageView to wait for the image to load
 void setRelativeSourceClass(java.lang.Class newValue)
          Sets the class that is used with the relative source path.
 void setResizeToFit(boolean resizeToFit)
          Sets the value of the resizeToFit property
 void setResourceLocator( newValue)
          Sets the instance of ResourceLocatorInterface for obtaining the image.
 void setSource(java.lang.String newValue)
          Sets the source (location) for obtaining the image.
 void setSourceAbsolute(java.lang.String newValue)
          Sets the absolute source name for the image to display.
 void setSourceAppletRelative(boolean newValue)
          Sets the source to be relative to the applet location.
 void setSourceRelative(java.lang.String newValue)
          Sets the relative source.
 void setSourceURL( newValue)
          Sets the URL object for the image file to be displayed.
protected  boolean validateDisplayMode(int mode)
          Validate the displayMode value.
Methods inherited from interface

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RB_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_SCALE
DisplayMode value NO_SCALE: Image is displayed at original size.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCALE
DisplayMode value SCALE: Image is scaled to the size of the component and then displayed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCALE_HEIGHT
DisplayMode value SCALE_HEIGHT: Image is scaled to the height of the component with the original aspect ratio.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCALE_WIDTH
DisplayMode value SCALE_WIDTH: Image is scaled to the width of the component with the original aspect ratio.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TILE
DisplayMode value TILE: Image is tiled of the area of the component

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_SCALE
DisplayMode value AUTO_SCALE: Image is scaled to fit within the component but keeps its aspect ratio.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LAST_DISPLAY_MODE
The last DisplayMode value used

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected transient java.awt.Image image
The original image created to display.


protected transient java.awt.Image dispImage
The image actually painted.


protected transient java.awt.Image filteredImage
The original image filtered using the imageFilter.


protected transient java.awt.Image disabledImage
The disabled image filtered using a GrayFilter.


protected transient java.awt.Image missingImage
The missing file image.


protected transient int oldWidth
The previous width the image was painted at.


protected transient int oldHeight
The previous height the image was painted at.


protected java.awt.Insets currentInsets
The insets set on the ImageView less the amount of the border insets at the time the insets were set.


protected java.lang.String source
The source of the image displayed.


protected boolean imageWait
Flag indicating that the MediaTracker will be used to load the images.


protected int displayMode
The displayMode of the image


protected boolean defaultImageLoaded
Flag indicating the defaultImage is loaded.


protected java.lang.String absoluteSource
The absolute path and name of the source


protected java.lang.String relativeSourceClassName
The name of the class to use as the root location for the relative path and name of the source.


protected transient java.lang.Class relativeSourceClass
The class to use as the root location for the relative path and name of the source.


protected java.lang.String relativeSource
The path and name of the source relative to the relativeSourceClass location.


protected sourceURL
The URL of the source.


protected boolean sourceAppletRelative
Flag indicating to use find the source relative to the applet the ImageView is used in


protected resourceLocator
The ResourceLocator used to locate the image to be displayed, returns a valid URL is possible.

Constructor Detail


public ImageView()
Default constructor


public ImageView( srcURL)
Constuctor that creates an ImageView with URL source.

srcURL - the URL of the image source
See Also:


public ImageView(java.lang.Class relativeClass,
                 java.lang.String relativeSrc)
Constructor that creates an ImageView with a relative class and a source relative to that class.

relativeClass - the class relative to the image source
relativeSrc - the source relative to the class given
See Also:
setSourceRelative(java.lang.String), setRelativeSourceClass(java.lang.Class)


public ImageView(java.lang.String src)
Constructor that takes a String holding the source path or URL string for the image

src - full valid path string to an image
See Also:


public ImageView(java.awt.Image img)
Constructor that displays an existing image. The image will not be serialized in the ImageView.

img - a java.awt.Image to display
See Also:


public ImageView( resourceLocator)
Constuctor that creates an ImageView using the given ResourceLocatorInterface to locate the image to display.

resourceLocator - an instance of ResourceLocatorInterface to locate the image
See Also:
setResourceLocator(ResourceLocatorInterface), ResourceLocatorInterface
Method Detail


public static getExtendedBeanInfo()
Returns information used by the to augment the automatically introspected information about this ImageView.

the ExtendedBeanInfo for this class


public static int getDefaultHeight()
Returns the default height to display the ImageView with.

the default height of an ImageView object


public static int getDefaultWidth()
Returns the default width to display the ImageView with.

the default width of an ImageView object


public static void setDefaultHeight(int newHeight)
Sets the default height to display the ImageView with.

newHeight - the default height of an ImageView object


public static void setDefaultWidth(int newWidth)
Sets the default width to display the ImageView with.

newWidth - the default width of an ImageView object


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Create a clone of this ImageView.

Specified by:
clone in interface
clone in class java.lang.Object
the created ImageView clone
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - if clone creation fails


public static final boolean imageExists( rli)
Returns true if an image get be retrieved from the given ResourceLocatorInterface, false otherwise.

rli - an instance of a ResourceLocatorInterface that should have an image set as the resource
See Also:


public java.awt.Image getMissingFileImage()
Returns the image used if the image is missing.

the image used if the image file can not be found or an erro occurred while trying to retrieve it


public java.util.Vector getRequiredInterfaces()
Returns the required interfaces Vector for this component.

the required interfaces Vector for this component.
See Also:


public java.awt.Image createFilteredImage(java.awt.Image img,
                                          java.awt.image.ImageFilter imgFilter)
Create an image based on the image given that is filtered using the given ImageFilter.

img - the image to create a filtered image of.
imgFilter - the filter to use on the img object.
the filtered image that was created.


protected java.awt.Image createTiledImage(java.awt.Image img,
                                          int width,
                                          int height)
Create an image based on the image given that is tiled over the entire area of the ImageView.

img - the image to create a tiled image of.
width - the width in pixels that the image should be tiled within
height - the height in pixels that the image should be tiled within
the tiled image that was created.


protected java.awt.Image createDisabledImage(java.awt.Image img)
Create an image based on the image given that greys out the colors.

img - the image to create a disabled image of.
the disabled image that was created.


protected void createDisplayImage(int width,
                                  int height)
Create the image to be displayed.

width - the width of the area to display the image in.
height - the height of the area to display the image in.


protected void loadDisplayImage()
Load the images that have been created.


public int getDisplayMode()
Returns the display mode of the imageView. The display mode is the how the image view choose to display the image. It can be set to either of the following: SCALE, NO_SCALE, TILE, SCALE_HEIGHT, SCALE_WIDTH, AUTO_SCALE ( which is the last used mode ), and LAST_DISPLAY_MODE ( which is identical to AUTO_SCALE )

a valid displayMode id.
See Also:


public java.awt.Image getImage()
Returns the original image object for the current display.

the unfiltered java.awt.image object
See Also:


public java.awt.image.ImageFilter getImageFilter()
Returns the image filter to apply to the image.

the image filter applied to the image, can be null.
See Also:


public boolean isImageLoadWait()
Returns if the ImageView will wait for the image to load.

if true the ImageView will use the MediaTracker to wait for the image to load; otherwise the ImageView will return immediately after the source is set.
See Also:


public java.awt.MediaTracker getMediaTracker()
Returns the MediaTracker so external sources can track the loading of the images.

the media tracker object


public java.awt.Dimension getMinimumSize()
Returns the minimum size of the ImageView. This is the normal size of the image and the insets for the ImageView

getMinimumSize in class javax.swing.JComponent
minimum size of the ImageView.
See Also:


public java.awt.Dimension computePreferredSize()
Compute the preferred size of the image.

the minimum size of the image and border
See Also:


public java.lang.String getSource()
Gets the source (file location) for obtaining the image

the location for obtaining the image
See Also:
setSource(java.lang.String), ResourceLocatorInterface


public boolean isResizeToFit()
Returns the value of the resizeToFit property If set to true, then the ImageView object will resize itself to the size of the image it displays.

Specified by:
isResizeToFit in interface ResizeToFitInterface
value of the resizeToFit property
See Also:
setResizeToFit(boolean), resizeToFit


public void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g)
Paint the ImageView

paintComponent in class javax.swing.JComponent
g - the specified Graphics context


public void paintIcon(java.awt.Component c,
                      java.awt.Graphics g,
                      int x,
                      int y)
Paints the ImageView. The top-left corner of the image is drawn at the point (x, y) in the coordinate space of the graphics context g.

Specified by:
paintIcon in interface javax.swing.Icon
c - the component to be used as the observer
g - the graphics context
x - the X coordinate of the icon's top-left corner
y - the Y coordinate of the icon's top-left corner


public int getIconWidth()
Gets the width of the image.

Specified by:
getIconWidth in interface javax.swing.Icon
the width in pixels of this imageview


public int getIconHeight()
Gets the height of the image.

Specified by:
getIconHeight in interface javax.swing.Icon
the height in pixels of this imageview


public void paint(java.awt.Component comp,
                  java.awt.Graphics g,
                  int x,
                  int y,
                  int width,
                  int height)
Paints the image in the ImageView objects with specified displayMode

Specified by:
paint in interface
comp - the Component to paint the IconInterface with.
g - Graphics context
x - the x coordinate
y - the y coordinate
width - the width to be painted.
height - the height to be painted.
See Also:


public void paintComponent(java.awt.Component comp,
                           java.awt.Graphics g,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int width,
                           int height)
Paints the image in the ImageView objects with specified displayMode

comp - the Component to paint the IconInterface with.
g - Graphics context
x - the x coordinate
y - the y coordinate
width - the width to be painted.
height - the height to be painted.
See Also:


public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent event)
Handle PropertyChangeEvents from the model.

Specified by:
propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
event - The event from the model indicating what property changed.


public void refresh()
Sets the source for the image from the attached model.


public void resizeToFit()
Reset the size of the ImageView to the preferredSize. If the resizeToFit property is set to true the ImageView object will be resized to fit the entire image contained in the component .

See Also:
setResizeToFit(boolean), isResizeToFit()


public java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize()
Gets the preferredSizeon the ImageView, normally just the size of the image.

Specified by:
getPreferredSize in interface
getPreferredSize in class javax.swing.JComponent


public void setBorder(javax.swing.border.Border border)
Sets the border for the ImageView.

setBorder in class javax.swing.JComponent
border - the border to be rendered for the ImageView


public void setBounds(int x,
                      int y,
                      int width,
                      int height)
Call super.setBounds() and then repaint the entire component.

setBounds in class java.awt.Component
See Also:
Component.setBounds(int, int, int, int)


public void setDefaultValues()
This method sets the initial values to the default values. This method is called by the Component constructors. The setDefaultValues method of each class is responsible for setting its own initial values.


public void setDisplayMode(int mode)
Sets the display mode of the image. The display mode is the how the image view choose to display the image. It can be set to either of the following: SCALE, NO_SCALE, TILE, SCALE_HEIGHT, SCALE_WIDTH, AUTO_SCALE ( which is the last used mode ), and LAST_DISPLAY_MODE ( which is identical to AUTO_SCALE )

mode - any of the displayMode ids defined in this class.
See Also:


protected boolean validateDisplayMode(int mode)
Validate the displayMode value.

mode - the displayMode to validate.
true if the mode is valid; false otherwise.


public void setResizeToFit(boolean resizeToFit)
Sets the value of the resizeToFit property

Specified by:
setResizeToFit in interface ResizeToFitInterface
resizeToFit - boolean value
See Also:


public void setImage(java.awt.Image img)
Sets the image object to be displayed in the ImageView. The image set here alone, will not be serialized.

img - the image object to be displayed
See Also:


public void setImageFilter(java.awt.image.ImageFilter imgFilter)
Sets the image filter that will be applied to the original image source to produce the image that is displayed.

imgFilter - the image filter applied to the original image.
See Also:


public void setImageLoadWait(boolean loadWait)
Sets the ImageView to wait for the image to load

loadWait - true to set the ImageView to wait for the image to load before displaying
See Also:


public void setResourceLocator( newValue)
Sets the instance of ResourceLocatorInterface for obtaining the image. It can be either a BaseResourceLocator, AppletResourceLocator, FileResourceLocator, ClassResourceLocator, or a ContextResourceLocator. Invokes the setImage() method to set the image displayed to the loaded image.

Specified by:
setResourceLocator in interface ResourceConsumerInterface
newValue - the instance of ResourceLocatorInterface for obtaining the image
See Also:
getResourceLocator(), ResourceLocatorInterface, BaseResourceLocator, AppletResourceLocator, FileResourceLocator, ClassResourceLocator, ContextResourceLocator, URL


public getResourceLocator()
Gets the instance of ResourceLocatorInterface that is used to locate the URL of the image.

Specified by:
getResourceLocator in interface ResourceConsumerInterface
the instance of a ResourceLocatorInterface that is used to locate the image.
See Also:
setSourceAbsolute(java.lang.String), ResourceLocatorInterface, AppletResourceLocator.getAbsolutePath()


public void setSource(java.lang.String newValue)
Sets the source (location) for obtaining the image. The string passed in can be either the URL qualified name, the full path name to the image file, or the relative path name based on the location of the relativeSourceClass or current directory. The source is set based on the following order: Invokes the setImage() method to set the image displayed to the loaded image. The instance of ResourceLocatorInterface may also change depending on what value is passed in. If a new ResourceLocatorInterface instance will be created if necessary. For example, if the current ResourceLocatorInterface is an instance of ClassResourceLocator, and "C:\\images\\image1.gif" is passed in, a FileResourceLocator will be created in place of the existing ClassResourceLocator.

newValue - the location for obtaining the image
See Also:
getSource(), ResourceLocatorInterface, URL, ClassLoader.getSystemResource(java.lang.String), Class.getResource(java.lang.String)


public java.lang.String getSourceAbsolute()
Gets the absolute source name for the image to display. Will return the same value as getSource(), except if the ResourceLocatorInterface is an instance of AppletResourceLocator, then the absolute path of the file will be returned.

the string path and name of the image to display.
See Also:
setSourceAbsolute(java.lang.String), ResourceLocatorInterface, AppletResourceLocator.getAbsolutePath()


public void setSourceAbsolute(java.lang.String newValue)
Sets the absolute source name for the image to display. If the ResourceLocatorInterface is not a FileResourceLocator, a FileResourceLocator will be created in its place, else the existing FileResourceLocator will be used and a new source will be set on it. The image is found using java.awt.Toolkit.getImage( String )

newValue - the string path and name of the image to display.
See Also:
getSourceAbsolute(), ResourceLocatorInterface, FileResourceLocator, Toolkit.getImage(java.lang.String)


public getSourceURL()
Gets the URL object for the image file to be displayed.

the URL of the image to display, null if a source is not set or an error occured
See Also:
setSourceURL(, ResourceLocatorInterface, ResourceLocatorInterface.getResource(), Toolkit.getImage(java.lang.String)


public void setSourceURL( newValue)
Sets the URL object for the image file to be displayed. Create a new BaseResourceLocator if the current ResourceLocatorInterface is of a subclass of it, else it uses the existing BaseResourceLocator. The image is found using java.awt.Toolkit.getImage( URL )

newValue - the URL of the image to display
See Also:
getSourceURL(), ResourceLocatorInterface, BaseResourceLocator, Toolkit.getImage(java.lang.String)


public boolean isSourceAppletRelative()
Returns whether or not the image source is relative to the applet For true to be returned, the ResourceLocatorInterface must be of type AppletResourceLocator, else false is returned.

true is image source is relative to where the applet is loaded
See Also:


public void setSourceAppletRelative(boolean newValue)
Sets the source to be relative to the applet location. If this is true, the ImageView will try to find the applet using GlobalInfoTable.getApplet(). It will attempt to get a URL using getResource(String) on the applet class and if this doesn't work, it will create a URL that uses the codebase of the applet. Any subsequent calls to setSource() will also attempt to find the source using the applet location first. If setSourceAbsolute(), setSourceRelative(), setSourceURL() are called they will not use this flag to locate the source. If true is passed in and the current ResourceLocatorInterface is not of type AppletResourceLocator, then an AppletResourceLocator instance will be created in its place, else the existing AppletResourceLocator will be used. If false is passed in and the current ResourceLocatorInterface is of type AppletResourceLocator, then a FileResourceLocator will be created in its place.

newValue - true if the source is located relative to the applet containing the ImageView
See Also:
GlobalInfoTable.getApplet(), ResourceLocatorInterface, AppletResourceLocator, FileResourceLocator, Class.getResource(java.lang.String)


public java.lang.String getSourceRelative()
Gets the source, relative to the relativeSourceClass, of the image to display. Will return the exact same result as getSource().

src the path and name of the image source relative to the relativeSourceClass location.
See Also:
setSourceRelative(java.lang.String), ResourceLocatorInterface


public void setSourceRelative(java.lang.String newValue)
Sets the relative source. This method will check the relative source based on ClassLoader.getSystemResource( relativeSource ). If no image resource is found the relativeSourceClass.getResource( relativeSource ) will be checked. If no resource is found the image will be set to null. This assumes a relative source class has been set. If the ResourceLocatorInterface instance is not of type ClassResourceLocator nor AppletResourceLocator, then a new ClassResourceLocator will be created in its place and the relative source class be set on it.

src - the relative path and name of the image source.
See Also:
getSourceRelative(), ResourceLocatorInterface, AppletResourceLocator, ClassResourceLocator, ClassLoader.getSystemResource(java.lang.String), Class.getResource(java.lang.String)


public java.lang.Class getRelativeSourceClass()
Gets the class that is used with the relative source path. If the ResourceLocatorInterface is of type AppletResourceLocator, then the applet class will be returned if found.

the class used to get the URL of the relative source.
See Also:
setSourceRelative(java.lang.String), getRelativeSourceClass(), ResourceLocatorInterface, AppletResourceLocator, ClassResourceLocator


public void setRelativeSourceClass(java.lang.Class newValue)
Sets the class that is used with the relative source path. If the current ResourceLocatorInterface is not of type ClassResourceLocator, then a new ClassResourceLocator will be created in its place, else the existing one will be used.

relativeClass - the class used to get the URL of the relative source.
See Also:
ResourceLocatorInterface, ClassResourceLocator, setSourceRelative(java.lang.String), getRelativeSourceClass()

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