***  This package is subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx

Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server.


Class Summary
Axis Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.AxisInterface.
Cube Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.CubeInterface.
Dimension Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.DimensionInterface.
Hierarchy Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.HierarchyInterface.
Level Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.LevelInterface.
Measure Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.MeasureInterface.
Member Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.MemberInterface.
Metadata Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.MetadataInterface.
OLAPDataSet Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.OLAPDataSetInterface and the PerformanceTuningInterface.
Property Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.PropertyInterface.
ResultSet Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.ResultSetInterface.
ResultSetMetadata Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.ResultSetMetadataInterface.
Schema Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.SchemaInterface.
Tuple Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.TupleInterface.
TupleElement Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.TupleElementInterface.

Package com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx Description

Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server.



This package provides a set of classes which implement the interfaces defined in com.sas.storage.olap. This implementation provides access to the SAS OLAP Server and can be used to execute data queries, primarily MDX, and read the results of these queries.  It can also be used to request and read metadata from OLAP data sources, known as Cubes.


Data Access

Execute an MDX Query and Print the Results

try {

// Create instance of OLAPDataSet
OLAPDataSetInterface olapDataSet = new OLAPDataSet("hostname", port, "username", "password");

// Execute the MDX Query
String queryStatement = "sample MDX Query";

// Print Cell Data
Object[] cells = olapDataSet.getCells(0, OLAPDataSet.DEFAULT_ENDCELL);
"--Unformatted cell values--");
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
    System.out.println(i +
": " + (cells[i]).toString());
String[] formattedCells = olapDataSet.getFormattedCells(0, OLAPDataSet.DEFAULT_ENDCELL);
"--Formatted cell values--");
for (int i = 0; i < formattedCells.length; i++) {
    System.out.println(i +
": " + formattedCells[i]);

// Get the ResultSet Metadata
ResultSetMetadataInterface rsm = olapDataSet.getResultSetMetadata();

// Print Basic Axis Information
AxisInterface[] axes = rsm.getAxes(0, -1);
"Axis count = " + axes.length);

for (int i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
"Axis Number: " + axes[i].getAxisNumber());
"Tuple Count: " + axes[i].getTupleCount());
    String[] axisHeaders = axes[i].getAxisHeaders();
"Axis Headers: ");

    for (int j = 0; j < axisHeaders.length; j++) {
                System.out.print(" " + axisHeaders[j]);

    String[] dimensionNames = axes[i].getDimensionNames();
        System.out.print("Dimension Names: ");
for (int j = 0; j < dimensionNames.length; j++) {
                System.out.print(" " + dimensionNames[j]);

    // Print Basic Tuple Information
       TupleInterface[] tuples = axes[i].getTuples(0, -1);
   for (int j = 0; j < tuples.length; j++) {
              System.out.println("Tuple Coordinate: " + tuples[j].getTupleIndex());
// Print Basic Tuple Element Information
             TupleElementInterface[] tupleElements = tuples[j].getElements(0, -1);

       for (int k = 0; k < tupleElements.length; k++) {
                      System.out.println("Tuple Element label: " + tupleElements[k].getLabel());
"TupleElement minimumCoordinate: " + tupleElements[k].getMinimumCoordinate());
                System.out.println("TupleElement maximumCoordinate: " + tupleElements[k].getMaximumCoordinate());

// Close the OLAPDataSet

catch (OLAPException ex) {

Metadata Access

Query Cube Metadata and Print the Results

try {

// Create instance of Metadata
MetadataInterface metadata = new Metadata("hostname", port, "username", "password");

// Alternatively, an instance of the Metadata class can be gotten from an instance of the OLAPDataSet
// MetadataInterface metadata = olapDataSet.getDatabaseMetadata();

// Build a Filter using the cube name restriction
Filter filter =
new Filter();

// Print Basic Cube Information
CubeInterface[] cubes = metadata.getCubes(filter);
for (int i = 0; i < cubes.length; i++) {

// Print Basic Measure Information
MeasureInterface[] measures = metadata.getMeasures(filter);
for (int i = 0; i < measures.length; i++) {
String measureLabel = measures[i].getLabel();
System.out.println("Measure Label: " + measureName);
String measureUniqueName = measures[i].getUniqueName();
       System.out.println("Measure Unique Name: " + measureUniqueName);

// Print Basic Dimension Information (using Cube to acquire Dimensions)
DimensionInterface[] dimensions = cubes[0].getDimensions();
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
"Dimension Label: " + dimensions[i].getLabel());
"Dimension Unique Name: " + dimensions[i].getUniqueName());

        // Print Basic Hierarchy Information (using Dimension to acquire Hierarchies)
    HierarchyInterface[] hierarchies = dimensions[i].getHierarchies();
for (int j = 0; j < hierarchies.length; j++) {
"Hierarchy Label: " + hierarchies[j].getLabel());
"Hierarchy Unique Name: " + hierarchies[j].getUniqueName());

                // Print Basic Level Information (using Hierarchy to acquire Levels)
          LevelInterface[] levels = hierarchies[j].getLevels();
for (int k = 0; k < levels.length; k++) {
               System.out.println("Level Label: " + levels[k].getLabel());
"Level Unique Name: " + levels[k].getUniqueName());

catch (OLAPException ex) {

For More Information

Visit the AppDev Studio Developer's Site to access step-by-step examples, white papers and additional usage information at http://support.sas.com/rnd/appdev/.



***  This package is subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Copyright © 2009 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.