Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableCell Provides classes and interfaces for Creating an HTML table representing an OLAPTable. Provides the base classes and interfaces used to generate a table of data for a given data model. Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in HTML.   

Uses of TableCell in

Classes in that implement TableCell
 class DefaultOLAPTableDataCellRenderer
          The default class for rendering a data cell for a OLAPTableView.
 class DefaultOLAPTableLabelCellRenderer
          The default class for rendering a label cell for a OLAPTableView.
 class OLAPColorMapTableCellRenderer
          The class is used for rendering conditions applied to the OLAPTableView using the ConditionEvaluation class set on the OLAPTableView.

Uses of TableCell in

Classes in that implement TableCell
 class BaseFieldRenderer
           BaseFieldRenderer is the abstract base class for any renderers used to control the display of the description row of the RemoteFileSelector.

Uses of TableCell in

Classes in that implement TableCell
 class ColumnAsRowCellRenderer
           ColumnAsRowCellRenderer is a class that constructs a TableCellRenderer which writes out the last column in a TableView as a row.
 class InformationServicesDateCellRenderer
           InformationServicesDateCellRenderer is a class that controls the way a date object is rendered in a TableView component.
 class NoColumnTableHeaderRenderer
          The NoColumnTableHeaderRenderer class creates a renderer that writes out nothing for the column header.

Uses of TableCell in

Subinterfaces of TableCell in
 interface TableCellEditor
          This interface defines the methods required by any object that would like to be an editor for cells in a TableView.
 interface TableCellRenderer
          This interface defines the methods required by any object that would like to be a renderer for cells in a TableView.

Uses of TableCell in

Classes in that implement TableCell
 class BaseTableCell
          Abstract class for rendering a cell for a TableView.
 class DefaultRowSelectionRenderer
          The DefaultRowSelectionRenderer is responsible for rendering the entire cell in the row selection column of a tableview.
 class DefaultTableCellEditor
          The DefaultTableCellEditor is the default class for generating the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a cell of a TableView that can be edited.
 class DefaultTableCellRenderer
          The DefaultTableCellRenderer is the default class for generating the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a cell of a TableView.
 class DefaultTableHeaderRenderer
          The DefaultTableHeaderRenderer is a class that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a cell in the header row of a TableView.
 class DefaultTableRowHeaderRenderer
          The DefaultTableRowHeaderRenderer is a class that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a row header cell of a TableView.

Uses of TableCell in

Classes in that implement TableCell
 class ConditionTableCellRenderer
          The class is used for rendering conditions applied to the TableView using the Context class set on the TableView.

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