Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Commands and utility classes to export non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data) from within a web application to MS Excel.


Class Summary
BaseRelationalExportCommand Base class for the commands that export non multidimensional data.
ExportToCSVCommand Command to export to MS Excel non multidimensional data as a stream of Comma Separated Values (CSV).
ExportToExcelXMLCommand Command to export to MS Excel non multidimensional data as an MS Excel XML stream of data.
ExportToHTMLCommand Command to export to MS Excel non multidimensional data as HTML text.
ExportToTabSeparatedCommand Command to export to MS Excel non multidimensional data as a stream of Tab Separated Values (TSV).
Util Contains utility methods and attributes used by the Export To Excel commands.

Package Description

Commands and utility classes to export non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data) from within a web application to MS Excel.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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