Common superclass for all ESRIMap DataModels to provide a "type"
of data model that can be assigned to a MapComponent.
A ESRIMapDataModel can be assigned to an instance of the ESRIMapChart class.
// Get the OLAPDataSetInterface
OLAPDataSetInterface dsi = <...>;
// Set up the Data Model
// ESRIMapOLAPDataModel is a subclass of ESRIMapDataModel
ESRIMapOLAPDataModel dataModel = new ESRIMapOLAPDataModel();
// Associate the Data Model with a OLAPESRIMapChart
OLAPESRIMapChart map = new OLAPESRIMapChart();
map.setDataModel( dataModel );
This class provides a type for the ESRIMapChart's data models but is
only intended for internal subclassing.