Uses of Interface

Packages that use EntityInterface Defines interfaces and classes for Entities, which are a dynamic extension of Java Beans. 

Uses of EntityInterface in

Methods in that return EntityInterface
 EntityInterface EntityAttr.getEntity()
          Returns the Entity associated with the EntityAttr.
 EntityInterface AggregateEntity.getEntityInterface()
          Returns an EntityInterface interface that can be used to invoke "entity methods" on the AggregateEntity.

Methods in with parameters of type EntityInterface
 void AggregateEntity.addEntity(EntityInterface entity, java.lang.String entityName)
          Add an Entity to the AggregateEntity.
 boolean AggregateEntity.relink(EntityInterface entity)
          Associates an individual entity to the AggregateEntity.
 void AggregateEntity.removeEntity(EntityInterface entity)
          Remove an Entity from the AggregateEntity.
 void EntityAttr.setEntity(EntityInterface entity)
          Sets the Entity used to create the EntityAttr.

Constructors in with parameters of type EntityInterface
EntityAttr(EntityInterface entity, java.lang.String attrName)
          Constructor that uses an instance of EntityInterface and an AttributeDescriptor name to create an EntityAttr object.

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