Uses of Interface

Packages that use TotalsSelectorInterface Interfaces, adapters and factories related to the Totals Selector. 

Uses of TotalsSelectorInterface in

Subinterfaces of TotalsSelectorInterface in
 interface OLAPTotalsSelectorInterface
          Represents an adapter for the Totals Selector that deals with multidimensional data (usually named OLAP data).
 interface RelationalTotalsSelectorInterface
          Represents an adapter for the Totals Selector that deals with non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data).

Classes in that implement TotalsSelectorInterface
 class BaseTotalsSelectorAdapter
          Base class that contains attributes and methods common to the different Totals Selector adapters.
 class OLAPTotalsSelectorAdapter
          Totals Selector adapter for multidimensional data.
 class RelationalTotalsSelectorAdapter
          It's an implementation of a Totals Selector adapter for non multidimensional (relational) data.

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