Interface RankingSelectorComponents

public interface RankingSelectorComponents

Contains the names of the sub components and static values used by the RankingSelectorPanel


Field Summary
static java.lang.String BOTTOM_RANKING
          When bottom ranking must be applied this is the value passed to the RankingCommand.
static java.lang.String CDI_CLEAR_BUTTON_NAME
          The name of the Clear button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String CDI_EDIT_BUTTON_NAME
          The name of the Edit button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String CDI_HINT_LABEL_NAME
          The name of the Hint label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String CDI_RANKS_LABEL_NAME
          The name of the Ranks label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String CDI_RANKS_LIST_BOX_VIEW_NAME
          The name of the list box view in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String COUNT
          Defines a "Count" rank type where the numbers directly references the number of items to be returned.
static java.lang.String ENCODING
          The encoding used to encode/decode the values passed to the RankingCommand through the Request.
static java.lang.String INCLUDE_TIES
          When ties must be included this is the value passed to the RankingCommand.
          The max size in characters of the text entry components used in the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String MISSING_VALUE
          Used as a generic string missing value.
static java.lang.String NAME_SEPARATOR
          The separator used to separate the selector name from the component name when creating the final component name (e.g.
static java.lang.String NOT_INCLUDE_TIES
          When ties must not be included this is the value passed to the RankingCommand.
static java.lang.String PERCENT
          Defines a "Percent" rank type where the value defines the items that fall within that percentage.
static java.lang.String SRQ_QUALIFIER_SELECTOR_NAME
          The name of the Qualifiers selector in the "Select Ranking Qualifiers" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_BASED_ON_CHOICE_BOX_NAME
          The name of the Based On choice box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_BASED_ON_LABEL_NAME
          The name of the Based On label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_COUNT_TEXT_ENTRY_NAME
          The name of the Count text entry in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_EDIT_BUTTON_NAME
          The name of the Edit button in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_INCLUDE_TIES_CHECK_BOX_NAME
          The name of the Include Ties check box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_RANKING_INFO_LABEL_NAME
          The name of the Ranking Info label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_RANKS_LABEL_NAME
          The name of the Ranks label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_TOP_BOTTOM_RADIO_NAME
          The name of the Top/Bottom radio box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SRV_TYPE_CHOICE_BOX_NAME
          The name of the Rank Type choice box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector.
static java.lang.String SUM
          Define a "Sum" rank type where the value defines the number which the items must equal when summed together.
static java.lang.String TIES_NOT_APPLICABLE
          When ties are not applicable (example for sum and percent ranking) this is the value passed to the RankingCommand.
static java.lang.String TOP_RANKING
          When top ranking must be applied this is the value passed to the RankingCommand.
static java.lang.String VALUE_SEPARATOR
          The separator used to separate the values to be passed to the RankingCommand through the Request.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String MISSING_VALUE
Used as a generic string missing value. "."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_TIES
When ties must be included this is the value passed to the RankingCommand. "1"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NOT_INCLUDE_TIES
When ties must not be included this is the value passed to the RankingCommand. "0"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TIES_NOT_APPLICABLE
When ties are not applicable (example for sum and percent ranking) this is the value passed to the RankingCommand. "2"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TOP_RANKING
When top ranking must be applied this is the value passed to the RankingCommand. "T"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String BOTTOM_RANKING
When bottom ranking must be applied this is the value passed to the RankingCommand. "B"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String COUNT
Defines a "Count" rank type where the numbers directly references the number of items to be returned. "C"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PERCENT
Defines a "Percent" rank type where the value defines the items that fall within that percentage. "P"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SUM
Define a "Sum" rank type where the value defines the number which the items must equal when summed together. "S"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int MAX_TEXT_ENTRY_SIZE
The max size in characters of the text entry components used in the Ranking Selector. 8

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NAME_SEPARATOR
The separator used to separate the selector name from the component name when creating the final component name (e.g. RankingSelector_cdiRanksLabel). "_"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String VALUE_SEPARATOR
The separator used to separate the values to be passed to the RankingCommand through the Request. "\t"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String ENCODING
The encoding used to encode/decode the values passed to the RankingCommand through the Request. "UTF-8"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CDI_RANKS_LABEL_NAME
The name of the Ranks label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector. "cdiRanksLabel"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CDI_HINT_LABEL_NAME
The name of the Hint label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector. "cdiHintLabel"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CDI_RANKS_LIST_BOX_VIEW_NAME
The name of the list box view in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector. "dataItem"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CDI_EDIT_BUTTON_NAME
The name of the Edit button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector. "cdiEditButton"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CDI_CLEAR_BUTTON_NAME
The name of the Clear button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector. "cdiClearButton"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_RANKS_LABEL_NAME
The name of the Ranks label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "srvRanksLabel"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_TOP_BOTTOM_RADIO_NAME
The name of the Top/Bottom radio box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "show"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_COUNT_TEXT_ENTRY_NAME
The name of the Count text entry in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "rankingCount"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_TYPE_CHOICE_BOX_NAME
The name of the Rank Type choice box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "rankingType"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_BASED_ON_LABEL_NAME
The name of the Based On label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "srvBasedOnLabel"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_INCLUDE_TIES_CHECK_BOX_NAME
The name of the Include Ties check box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "includeTies"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_BASED_ON_CHOICE_BOX_NAME
The name of the Based On choice box in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "basedOn"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_EDIT_BUTTON_NAME
The name of the Edit button in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "srvEditButton"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRV_RANKING_INFO_LABEL_NAME
The name of the Ranking Info label in the "Select Ranking Values" window of the Ranking Selector. "srvRankingInfoLabel"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SRQ_QUALIFIER_SELECTOR_NAME
The name of the Qualifiers selector in the "Select Ranking Qualifiers" window of the Ranking Selector. "srqRanksQualifier"

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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