Uses of Interface

Packages that use AdvancedFilterDefinitionModelInterface Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with filter components. 

Uses of AdvancedFilterDefinitionModelInterface in

Subinterfaces of AdvancedFilterDefinitionModelInterface in
 interface AdvancedFilterModelInterface
          This interface defines the relationship between the AdvancedFilterPanel and an implemented adaptor.

Classes in that implement AdvancedFilterDefinitionModelInterface
 class BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterDefinitionModelAdapter
          Simple adapter to wrap the given data source and initial selection into a selector model.
 class BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
          This adapter extends the base class to provide features and behavior specific to BusinessModel data sources.
 class BusinessQueryToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
          This adapter is intended for use at run-time or anytime a full BusinessQuery model is to be filtered.
 class DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
          The DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter ideally will be a unified adapter that will work for both BusinessModel (build-time) and BusinessQuery (run-time) instances for both relational and OLAP data sources.

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