Interface SimpleFilterDefinitionModelInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:
AdvancedFilterDefinitionModelInterface, AdvancedFilterModelInterface, SimpleFilterListEditorModelInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterDefinitionModelAdapter, BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter, BusinessQueryToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter, BusinessQueryToSimpleFilterDefinitionModelAdapter, BusinessQueryToSimpleFilterListEditorModelAdapter, DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter, InformationMapToSimpleFilterDefinitionModelAdapter, InformationMapToSimpleFilterListEditorModelAdapter, SimpleFilterDefinitionModelBase, SimpleFilterListEditorModelBase

public interface SimpleFilterDefinitionModelInterface

This interface defines the relationship between the SimpleFilterDefinitionPanel and an implemented adaptor.

Method Summary
 boolean commitChanges()
          Commit all changes to the native model.
 java.lang.Object getApplicationData()
          Used to retrieve application specific data.
 FilterItemListInterface getDataSource()
          The list of source items to populate the possible choices for the panel.
 java.lang.Object getRootFilterObject()
          Return the root filter object in the native model.
 FilterLogicTestNodeInterface getSelection()
          Used to get the initial selection for the control panel.
 void setApplicationData(java.lang.Object data)
          Used to store application specific data.
 void setSelection(FilterLogicTestNodeInterface value)
          Changes to the selection are done by either modifying a EditableTestNode or by setting a DefaultLogicTestNode with the changed values using this method.

Method Detail


FilterItemListInterface getDataSource()
The list of source items to populate the possible choices for the panel.

the filter item list


FilterLogicTestNodeInterface getSelection()
Used to get the initial selection for the control panel. If the object returned implements FilterLogicEditableTestNodeInterface then changes can be made directly to it. Otherwise, changes to the objects selected will be signaled after each selection change by calling setSelection()

the test node at the current selection index


void setSelection(FilterLogicTestNodeInterface value)
Changes to the selection are done by either modifying a EditableTestNode or by setting a DefaultLogicTestNode with the changed values using this method. If the selection is changed by anything outside of the visual, then the visual will need to have a setModel done to it again.

value - the new test node for the current selection


void setApplicationData(java.lang.Object data)
Used to store application specific data.

data - to be stored with this object for application use


java.lang.Object getApplicationData()
Used to retrieve application specific data.

the user specific data


boolean commitChanges()
Commit all changes to the native model.

true if the native model was successfully updated, false otherwise


java.lang.Object getRootFilterObject()
Return the root filter object in the native model.

the root filter object

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