Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes that perform the general action provider framework commands.


Class Summary
CopyCommand This class implements the copy command.
CutCommand This class implements the cut command.
DisplaySearchResultsCommand This command is used to change the mode to search.
FilterTypeCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel for changing the file type to filter views by.
FindCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel to search for various files.
GoBackCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel to go back to a previously viewed set of files.
OpenFolderCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel to open (i.e. drilldown) on a selected folder to show any files it may contain.
SortFoldersFirstCommand Extension of the
StartSearchCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel for initiating the search function.
UpOneLevelCommand This class provides the calls to the RemoteServerModel to show the files for the parent level of the current view of the directory structure.

Package Description

The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes that perform the general action provider framework commands.

Remote File Selector Model - Commands


The commands are general commands that communicate with the RemoteFileServerModel class to perform the various functions.

The CopyCommand class copies the selected items to the model's paste buffer.

The CutCommand class copies the selectied items to the model's paste buffer and sets a flag reminder to remove the items from the current location.

The FilterTypeCommand sets the current file type filtering selection.

The GoBackCommand class provides the ability to show the previously viewed items.

The OpenFolderCommand class provides the ability to drilldown into a folder type item.

The SortFoldersFirstCommand class performs sorting on the various data columns. It will automatically sort the folder type first and then the actual file types second.

The StartSearchCommand class provides the ability to trigger a search on the file system.

The UpOneLevelCommand class provides the ability to view a directory one level above the current view.


Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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