Uses of Interface

Packages that use SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface Provides the integrated set of classes that comprise the ActionProvider Framework (APF). The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes used to manipulate the user interface when various toolbar, button, and popmenu actions are triggered.   

Uses of SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface in

Classes in that implement SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface
 class ActionAttributeDescriptor
           An implementation of the AttributeDescriptorInterface for the Action Provider Framework.
 class BaseAction
          The BaseAction class is the base class for all Actions acquired via the Action Provider Framework (APF).
 class HttpAction
          The HttpAction class is the base class for all actions acquired from the HttpActionProvider.
 class SwingAction
          The SwingAction class is the base class for all actions acquired from the SwingActionProvider.

Uses of SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface in

Classes in that implement SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface
 class AddFolderAction
          AddFolderAction adds a default folder and allows editting of the cell to change the folder name.
 class CopyAction
          CopyAction allows copying of the selected items.
 class CutAction
          CutAction allows cutting of the selected items.
 class DeleteAction
          DeleteAction allows deleting of the selected items.
 class DetailsAction
          DetailsAction sets the file system view to the details mode.
 class FindAction
          FindAction displays a window used to search a file system.
 class GoBackAction
          GoBackAction allows the user to move back to the previous view.
 class ListAction
          ListAction changes the view to the default list view.
 class OpenFolderAction
          OpenFolderAction opens a selected folder.
 class PasteAction
          PasteAction completes the cut or copy action and moves the files appropriately.
 class RenameAction
          RenameAction allows items to be renamed.
 class StartSearchAction
          StartSearchAction initiates the search.
 class TreeAction
          TreeAction displays the tree view.
 class UpOneLevelAction
          UpOneLevelAction shows the directory information one level above the current level.
 class ViewMenuAction
          ViewMenuAction the action that displays the view type dropdown menu.
 class ViewSelectionAction
          ViewSelectionAction is the action that displays the view type dropdown menu.

Uses of SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface in

Classes in that implement SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface
 class AddRowAction
          The AddRowAction class is used in conjunction with the AddRowCommand to perform add a row to a table.
 class DeleteRowAction
          The DeleteRowAction class is used in conjunction with the DeleteRowCommand to perform row deletion on a table.
 class MoveColumnAction
          The MoveColumnAction class is used in conjunction with the MoveColumnCommand to perform a column move in a table.
 class SelectorAction
          The SelectorAction class is a base class for all selectors to use.
 class SortAction
          The SortAction class is used in conjunction with the sorting commands to perform a sort on a table.
 class TableViewAction
          The TableViewAction class is a base class for all TableViewAction subclasses to derive from.

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