Uses of Interface

Packages that use Root Provides a java object interface to the metadata server using the SAS/Open Metadata Architecture. Provides a way of serializing information to SAS Metadata Server in Java applications. 

Uses of Root in

Methods in that return Root
 Root Property.getAssociatedLocalizedObject()
          Gets the Root for AssociatedLocalizedObject
 Root Variable.getAssociatedObject()
          Gets the Root for AssociatedObject
 Root PropertyGroup.getAssociatedObject()
          Gets the Root for AssociatedObject
 Root Property.getAssociatedObject()
          Gets the Root for AssociatedObject
 Root PropertySet.getOwningObject()
          Gets the Root for OwningObject
 Root ExternalIdentity.getOwningObject()
          Gets the Root for OwningObject
 Root CustomAssociation.getOwningObject()
          Gets the Root for OwningObject
 Root AbstractExtension.getOwningObject()
          Gets the Root for OwningObject
 Root AbstractPrompt.getPromptEnabledObject()
          Gets the Root for PromptEnabledObject
 Root Root.getUsingPrototype()
          Gets the Root for UsingPrototype

Methods in with parameters of type Root
 void Property.setAssociatedLocalizedObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the AssociatedLocalizedObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void Variable.setAssociatedObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the AssociatedObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void PropertyGroup.setAssociatedObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the AssociatedObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void Property.setAssociatedObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the AssociatedObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void PropertySet.setOwningObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the OwningObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void ExternalIdentity.setOwningObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the OwningObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void CustomAssociation.setOwningObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the OwningObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void AbstractExtension.setOwningObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the OwningObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void AbstractPrompt.setPromptEnabledObject(Root inObject)
          Sets the PromptEnabledObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void Root.setUsingPrototype(Root inObject)
          Sets the UsingPrototypes list 0th element to be inObject.

Uses of Root in

Methods in with parameters of type Root
static void MdOMAEntityUtility.clearPropertyTypesForObjectRepository(Root sourceObject)
static void MdOMAEntityUtility.copyEntityToNewObject(Root sourceObject, Root targetObject)
          This method takes a source metadata object and creates the metadata for an entity from that object for a target object.
static Property MdOMAEntityUtility.getEntityPropertyForOMRObject(Root omrObject)
          Given an OMR Metadata object, retrieve the Property object that represents the Entity associated with the given OMR object.
static PropertyType MdOMAEntityUtility.getGenericPropertyType(Root sourceObject)
          Get the generic String PropertyType used for all Properties who have string values.
static java.util.List MdOMAEntityUtility.getPropertyTypesForObjectRepository(Root sourceObject)
          Get the PropertyType objects for the repository sourceObject is in.
static java.util.List MdOMAEntityUtility.getPropertyTypesForObjectRepositoryIDList(Root inObject)
          Get the PropertyType object ids for the repository that inobject is in.
static void MdOMAEntityUtility.populateEntityFromOMRObject( entity, Root omrObject)
          Take an existing entity object and populate it from metadata object.
static void MdOMAEntityUtility.populateOMRObjectFromEntity(Root omrObject, entity)
          Take an metadata object and populate it with the entity information.
static void MdOMAEntityUtility.removeEntityFromOMR(Root omrObject)
          Given an OMR Metadata object, remove the Property object(s) that represents the Entity associated with the given OMR object.

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