Uses of Class

Packages that use MdEvent Provides a java object interface to the metadata server using the SAS/Open Metadata Architecture. 

Uses of MdEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type MdEvent
 void MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectCreated(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdFactory.fireMdObjectCreated(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactory.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectDeleted(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectsDeleted(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdFactory.fireMdObjectDeleted(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactory.fireMdObjectsDeleted(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdServerStore.fireMdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdObjectStore.fireMdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdObjectBaseUtil.fireMdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of changes in the metadata object.
 void MdStore.fireMdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdServerStore.fireMdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdObjectStore.fireMdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdEvent e, java.util.List<java.lang.String> id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactoryImpl.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdFactory.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdEvent e, java.util.List<java.lang.String> id)
          Deprecated. Use MdFactory.fireMdObjectsCreated(MdFactoryEvent)
 void MdStore.fireMdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdServerStore.fireMdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdObjectStore.fireMdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdStore.fireMdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdServerStore.fireMdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdObjectStore.fireMdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
          Used to notify all the listeners in the listner list of modifications to the object.
 void MdServerStore.fireMdStoreIDChange(MdEvent e, java.util.List idsOld, java.util.List idsNew)
          Used to notify MdStoreIDChangeListeners, a subclass of MdStoreListeners, of the ids that have changed in the Map.
 void MdObjectStore.fireMdStoreIDChange(MdEvent e, java.util.List idsOld, java.util.List idsNew)
          Used to notify MdStoreIDChangeListeners, a subclass of MdStoreListeners, of the ids that have changed in the Map.
 void MdObjectFactoryListener.MdObjectCreated(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          The object created event is sent when a new object has been created.
 void MdObjectFactoryListener.MdObjectDeleted(MdEvent e, java.lang.String id)
          The object deleted event is sent when an object has been deleted on the server.
 void MdServerStore.MdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
          Called when a single object has changed.
 void MdObjectStore.MdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
 void MdObjectListener.MdObjectModified(MdEvent e)
          Sends the event upon modification of an object.
 void MdStoreListener.MdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are added to the Store's hashmap.
 void MdServerStore.MdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are added to the Store's Map.
 void MdObjectStore.MdObjectsAdded(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
 void MdObjectFactoryListener.MdObjectsCreated(MdEvent e, java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids)
          The objects created event is sent when new objects have been created.
 void MdStoreListener.MdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are modified in the Store.
 void MdServerStore.MdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are modified in the Store.
 void MdObjectStore.MdObjectsModified(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          We pass this event on to our listener.
 void MdStoreListener.MdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are removed to the Store's hashmap.
 void MdServerStore.MdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List items)
          Event generated when objects are removed to the Store's Map.
 void MdObjectStore.MdObjectsRemoved(MdEvent e, java.util.List ids)
 void MdStoreIDChangeListener.MdStoreIDChange(MdEvent e, java.util.List itemsOld, java.util.List itemsNew)
          Event generated when object ids are changed to the Store's hashmap.

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