Uses of Class

Packages that use SASFormatException Provides specific information (via a ServerProperties object) about the capabilities of the server, such as operators and recognized functions. Server properties classes that describe SAS formats. 

Uses of SASFormatException in

Methods in that throw SASFormatException
 java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions()
          Returns a List of all SASFormatDescription objects.
 java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a List of all SASFormatDescription objects for the specified locale.
 java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions(SASFormatCategory type)
          Returns a List of all SASFormatDescription objects for a specific SASFormatCategory object.
 java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions(SASFormatCategory type, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a List of all SASFormatDescription objects for a specific SASFormatCategory and locale.

Uses of SASFormatException in

Methods in that throw SASFormatException
static SASFormatAttributes SASFormatDescriptionUtil.getFormatAttributes(java.lang.String formatString)
          Given a SASFormat String, this method will return a SASFormatAttributes object with the format string's attributes like the base format name, width etc.
static java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> SASFormatDescriptionUtil.getFormatsByType(SASFormatCategory type, BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Visits the appropriate server for this business model and retrieves all the formats for the given type.
static java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> SASFormatDescriptionUtil.getUserDefinedFormats(BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Visits the appropriate server for this business model and retrieves all user defined formats.
static boolean SASFormatDescriptionUtil.isFormatUserDefined(java.lang.String format, BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Tests the format to see if it is user defined.

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