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Class FractionOfTotalExpression

All Implemented Interfaces:
Base, BusinessModelResourceReferencer, ModelItem, UsabilityInterface, ExpressionInterface, PropertyChangeListenee, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener

public class FractionOfTotalExpression
implements ExpressionInterface

Models a numeric expression that represents a fraction of a total value in a business query.

This modeled fraction is of the form A/B where A is a numeric measure data item on one axis of the query and B is a category data item on the other axis of the query. By axis we mean the ROW or COLUMN Role applied to a data item that is a result item in the query. The A/B expression is a division, or comparison, that results in a fractional value. If desired, this fractional value can be formatted with the SAS PERCENTw.d format (for example, PERCENT4.1) so that it may be easily displayed in visual percentage form.

The numerator, A, as a numeric measure data item is straightforward to specify. Specifying the denominator is a bit more complex. This is because the specific axis the denominator is set on affects the results of the query.