Uses of Interface

Packages that use UsabilityInterface The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to data items and business queries to modify the results of a query. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes used to define OLAP expressions usable within a business model for defining portions of an OLAP business query. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. 

Uses of UsabilityInterface in

Subinterfaces of UsabilityInterface in
 interface BusinessGroup
          The purpose of this object to allow the ability to group certain IQ objects outside of our normal MapFolder structure.
 interface BusinessItem
          Specifies a modeled object that has an identity within its model and used directly in forming business queries.
 interface BusinessModel
          Specified an abstract, persistable container that contains BusinessModelObject type items.
 interface BusinessModelObject
          Specifies an abstract, persistable object that is contained within a business model container and provides support for having a unique identity within that container.
 interface BusinessModelResource
          Specifies objects that can be referenced by business models other than the one they are contained in.
 interface BusinessModelResourceReferencer
          Specifies an object that can reference one or more BusinessModelResource objects.
 interface BusinessRule
          Specifies a modeled action that affects how data is referenced at query execution time.
 interface CompoundFilter
          Specifies a filter that is definedin terms of other separately defined filters.
 interface DataItem
          Provides support for the mapping of physical data to a single unit of business data.
 interface DataItemReference
          Specifies a reference to a DataItem object along with some set of overridden attributes of the base data item.
 interface DataSelection
          Specifies an object that is a business model and that provides the specification of a business query.
 interface DrillThroughToDetail
          Specifies a simple business rule that identifies whether the user should be allowed to drill through to detail data in OLAP results.
 interface FilterCascadeRule
          This business rule defines the prompt filter dependencies that makes up the cascade.
 interface FilterItem
          Contains a single conditional expression which is used to filter data when running a query and typically yields a resultset containing less data.
 interface Governing
          Specifies a simple business rule that governs or limits the output of a business query when the query is run.
 interface InformationMap
          Specifies a business model that provides support for organizing its business items within an internal folder structure.
 interface ModelItem
 interface ModelItemWithIdentity
 interface Prompt
          Enables you to specify portions of a business query at the time a query is run.

Classes in that implement UsabilityInterface
 class ChangeHistoryItem
          Contains a single piece of history about a change that was made.
 class Drill
          Stores drill history information for a cube inside a data selection.
 class FilterCascade
 class Lookup
          Determines lookup type values that are set on the data item.
 class LookupByDataItem
          Defines a Lookup that defines the data item it is associated with should be used for retrieving possible filter values.
 class LookupList
          Contains a list of LookupValue objects that are used for possible filter values for a data item.
 class LookupNotAllowed
          Defines a Lookup type where looking up values is not allowed.
 class LookupValue
          Defines a single lookup value that is used by LookupList.
 class SelectedItem
          Specifies the combination of a data item (result item) and its role in a single object.

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