Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataSelection Provides utility classes that are used to manipulate  OLAP results. Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of DataSelection in

Constructors in with parameters of type DataSelection
OLAPGroupedFilterDataProviderImpl(DataSelection ds, BusinessGroup group)
          Constructor that will determine original included items, included items, and excluded items.

Uses of DataSelection in

Methods in with parameters of type DataSelection
static int DataRetrievalUtil.getRankedItemCount(DataSelection selection)
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.hasSummarizeableItems(DataSelection ds)
          Determines if the business query contains data items which may be summarized.
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isGrandTotal(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Checks if the given data selection has tabular listing grand totals enabled.
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isModelDetailed(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Returns true if the data selection will return detailed (unaggregated) data
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isModelGrandTotal(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Check if the model is GrandTotal.
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isModelRanked(DataSelection model)
          Checks if a data selection contains a rank filter.
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isModelROLAP(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Checks if the given data selection is ROLAP.

Uses of DataSelection in

Methods in that return DataSelection
 DataSelection DataSelection.copy()
          Creates and returns a copy of this data selection.
 DataSelection DataSelection.getParentDataSelection()
          Returns the parent data selection to this data selection if this data selection has a parent.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates and returns a new DataSelection object based upon the given business model.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Creates and returns an empty DataSelection based on *no* business model.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale dataLocale)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not use!
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates and returns a new DataSelection object based upon the given business model.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Creates and returns an empty DataSelection based on *no* business model.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale dataLocale)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not use!
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newSampleDataSelection(BusinessModel rootBusinessModel, java.util.Map maxElements)
          This method is similar to the default DataSelectionFactory method except that it automatically adds ResultItems to create a sample.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelection(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelectionNonStatic(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.

Methods in with parameters of type DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newCreateTableDataSelection(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Creates and returns a model for creating a table based on a business query.
static DataSelectionFactory.newLookThroughDataSelection(DataSelection parentDataSelection)
          Creates and returns a new LookThroughDataSelection object based upon the given parent data selection. DataSelectionFactory.newLookThroughDataSelectionNonStatic(DataSelection parentDataSelection)
          Creates and returns a new LookThroughDataSelection object based upon the given parent data selection.

Uses of DataSelection in

Methods in with parameters of type DataSelection
 java.lang.String AbstractTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Return query text of TimeValue expression.
protected  java.lang.String TimestampValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected  java.lang.String TimeValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected  java.lang.String DateValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractTimeValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          returns a pattern compatible with SimpleDataFormat instance returned by getFormatter() to format the time value

Uses of DataSelection in

Methods in with parameters of type DataSelection
 java.lang.String RelativeTimestampValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Internal to IQ, do not use.
 java.lang.String AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Deprecated. You should use SQLExpressionAbstract.generateExpressionSQL().
 java.lang.String RelativeDateValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType, java.lang.String shiftFromValue)
          Internal to IQ, do not use.
 java.lang.String AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType, java.lang.String shiftFromValue)
          Construct the output string value used in an expression for a relative date, time, or timestamp expression.

Uses of DataSelection in

Methods in with parameters of type DataSelection
static java.util.Locale BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getConnectionLocale(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Get the connection locale object for this data selection.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getCubeRestrictions(DataSelection dataSelection)
          Returns a String representing text that can be used to establish a cube query context.
static java.util.List BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getInvalidLabels(DataSelection ds)
          Get a list of invalid Labels for a data selection.
static GroupedFilterUtilities.newGroupedFilterDataProvider(DataSelection ds, BusinessGroup group)

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