Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusinessRule The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of BusinessRule in

Subinterfaces of BusinessRule in
 interface DrillThroughToDetail
          Specifies a simple business rule that identifies whether the user should be allowed to drill through to detail data in OLAP results.
 interface FilterCascadeRule
          This business rule defines the prompt filter dependencies that makes up the cascade.
 interface Governing
          Specifies a simple business rule that governs or limits the output of a business query when the query is run.

Methods in with type parameters of type BusinessRule
<T extends BusinessRule>
BusinessQuery.getEffectiveRules(java.lang.Class<T> type)
          This method returns a list of business rules that would be in effect if this business query were to be run at this time.

Methods in that return BusinessRule
 BusinessRule BusinessModel.getBusinessRuleByID(java.lang.String ID)
          Returns the business rule with the specified ID.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BusinessRule
 java.util.List<BusinessRule> BusinessModel.removeBusinessRule(BusinessRule rule)
          Removes the given business rule from this model.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessRule
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessRule(BusinessRule rule)
          Adds a business rule to the end of the list of business rules in this business model.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessRule(int index, BusinessRule rule)
          Adds a business rule at the specified index in the list of business rules in this business model and all business rules in the list at that index or after are moved to the right by 1 index.
 java.util.List<BusinessRule> BusinessModel.removeBusinessRule(BusinessRule rule)
          Removes the given business rule from this model.

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