Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusinessItem Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of BusinessItem in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessItem
 void IQDataServices.verify(BusinessItem item)
          This convenience method can be used to verify business items for use in a query.

Uses of BusinessItem in

Subinterfaces of BusinessItem in
 interface CompoundFilter
          Specifies a filter that is definedin terms of other separately defined filters.
 interface DataItem
          Provides support for the mapping of physical data to a single unit of business data.
 interface DataItemReference
          Specifies a reference to a DataItem object along with some set of overridden attributes of the base data item.
 interface FilterItem
          Contains a single conditional expression which is used to filter data when running a query and typically yields a resultset containing less data.
 interface Prompt
          Enables you to specify portions of a business query at the time a query is run.

Methods in with type parameters of type BusinessItem
<T extends BusinessItem>
MapFolder.getItems(java.lang.Class<T> itemClass)
          Returns all business items that are instances of the specified class contained within this folder.

Methods in that return BusinessItem
 BusinessItem BusinessModel.getBusinessItemByID(java.lang.String ID)
          Returns the business item with the specified ID.
 BusinessItem MapFolder.getItem(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class itemClass)
          Deprecated. This method is not supported -- do not use.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BusinessItem
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> MapFolder.deleteBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Removes the specified item from this folder and deletes the item from the underlying BusinessModel.
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> BusinessModel.getBusinessItemsNotInMapFolders()
          Returns a list of business items that are contained within this business model but that are not contained within an business model folder accessible via the root folder.
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> MapFolder.getItems()
          Returns all business items contained within this folder.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessItem
 void MapFolder.addBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Adds the specified item to this MapFolder and removes it from any MapFolder it was contained in.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessItem(BusinessItem businessItem)
          Adds the specified BusinessItem to this business model.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessItem(int index, BusinessItem businessItem)
          Adds a business item at the specified index in the list of business items within this business model.
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> MapFolder.deleteBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Removes the specified item from this folder and deletes the item from the underlying BusinessModel.
 MapFolder BusinessModel.getMapFolderContaining(BusinessItem item)
          Returns the folder off of the root business model folder that contains the specified business item
 void MapFolder.removeBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Removes this item from this folder and leaves the item in the underlying BusinessModel
 java.util.List BusinessModel.removeBusinessItem(BusinessItem businessItem)
          Removes the specified BusinessItem object and any BusinessItem objects dependent on the given object from this business model.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BusinessItem
 void BusinessModel.setBusinessItems(java.util.List<BusinessItem> businessItemsToSet)
          Sets the list of business items contained within this business model.
 void MapFolder.setItems(java.util.List<BusinessItem> items)
          Set business items in this folder with the given list.

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