Uses of Class

Packages that use DAVException Provides a client API for accessing WebDAV servers. 

Uses of DAVException in

Methods in that throw DAVException
 DAVResource DAVResourceInterface.copy(java.lang.String targetUrl)
          Copy resource to the target destination
 DAVResource DAVResource.copy(java.lang.String targetPath)
          Copy resource to the target path on the same host as the source.
 void DAVResourceInterface.delete()
          Delete the resource
 void DAVResource.delete()
          Deletes the current resource.
 void DAVResourceInterface.doCheckin()
          Check in this resource.
 void DAVResource.doCheckin()
          Check in this resource.
 void DAVResourceInterface.doCheckout()
          Checks out this resource.
 void DAVResource.doCheckout()
          Checks out this resource.
 void DAVResourceInterface.doControl()
          Puts the resource until version control.
 void DAVResource.doControl()
          Puts the resource until version control.
 void DAVResourceInterface.doLabel(int labelAction, java.lang.String label)
          Modify the version label on the resource (if this is supported by the server).
 void DAVResource.doLabel(int labelAction, java.lang.String label)
          Modify the version label on the resource (if this is supported by the server).
 java.util.Properties DAVResource.doOptions()
 void DAVResourceInterface.doUncheckout()
          Uncheckout this resource, cancelling a previous checkout.
 void DAVResource.doUncheckout()
          Uncheckout this resource, cancelling a previous checkout. DAVResourceInterface.getAcl()
          Get a the access control list for this resource. DAVResource.getAcl()
          Get the Access Control List for this resource.
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.getACL()
          Get the Access Control List for this resource.
 java.lang.String DAVResource.getACL()
          Get the Access Control List for this resource.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Lock DAVResourceInterface.getActiveLockFor(java.lang.String owner)
          Get an active lock, if it exists, for the owner
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Lock DAVResource.getActiveLockFor(java.lang.String owner)
          Retrieves the currently checked in resource. DAVResource.getCheckedIn()
          Retrieves the currently checked in resource. DAVResourceInterface.getCheckedOut()
          Retrieves the currently checked out resource. DAVResource.getCheckedOut()
          Retrieves the currently checked out resource.
 java.util.List DAVResourceInterface.getChildrenList(java.lang.String path)
          Get a list of children.
 java.util.Map DAVResource.getChildrenProperties(PropertyName[] properties)
          Get all the properties of a collection's members (depth=1) in as single server request.
 byte[] DAVResourceInterface.getContents()
          Return the contents of the resource as a byte array
 byte[] DAVResource.getContents()
          Returns the contents of the resource as a byte array.
 void DAVResourceInterface.getContents( fileData)
          Get the content of the resource into a file specified as the parameter
 void DAVResource.getContents( fileData)
          Returns the contents of the resource into the supplied file.
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.getContentsAsString()
          Return the contents of the resource as a String
 java.lang.String DAVResource.getContentsAsString()
          Return the contents of the resource as a String. DAVResourceInterface.getContentsInputStream()
          Return the content of the resource as a stream DAVResource.getContentsInputStream()
          Returns the contents of the resource as an InputStream
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.getContentType()
          Return the content type of the content for this resource
 java.lang.String DAVResource.getContentType()
          Return the content type of the content for this resource
 java.util.Set DAVResourceInterface.getCurrentUserPrivilegeSet()
          Get a the current list of privileges this user has for this resource.
 int DAVResourceInterface.getDepth()
          Get the current depth value
 boolean DAVResourceInterface.getOverwrite()
          Get the overwrite flag - can this resource be overwritten
 java.util.List DAVResourceInterface.getPreviousVersionNames()
          Gets a list of previous version names for this resource.
 java.util.List DAVResource.getPreviousVersionNames()
          Gets a list of previous version names for this resource.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperties()
          Get the properties for the resource.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperties()
          Returns all the properties on the DAV resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] propNames)
          Get the property values for the properties specified in the parameter
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] propNames)
          Returns all the properties specified in the parameter on the DAV resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperties(PropertyName[] propNames)
          Get the property values for the properties specified in the parameter
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperties(PropertyName[] propNames)
          Returns all the properties specified in the parameter on the DAV resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperties(java.lang.String propNames)
          Returns a properties for a given set of property names.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperties(java.lang.String propNames)
          Returns properties for a given set of property names.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element propName)
          Get the property values for the properties specified in the parameter
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element propName)
          Returns the property specified in the parameter on the DAV resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperty(PropertyName propName)
          Get the property value for the property specified in the parameter
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperty(PropertyName propName)
          Returns a property for a given property name.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getProperty(java.lang.String propName)
          Get the property value for the property specified in the parameter
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getProperty(java.lang.String propName)
          Returns a property for a given property name.
 PropertyMap DAVResource.getPropertyMap()
          Returns a property map of the resources properties.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResourceInterface.getPropertyNames()
          Get all the property names on the resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] DAVResource.getPropertyNames()
          Returns a list of property names for the resource
 int DAVResourceInterface.getStatusCode()
          Get the status code for the last operation/method
 int DAVResource.getStatusCode()
          Returns the status code for the last operation
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.getStatusMessage()
          Get the message associated with the status code for the last operation/method DAVResourceInterface.getSupportedPrivilegeSet()
          Get a list of privileges that apply to this resource. DAVResourceInterface.getURL()
          Get the URL that the resource represents DAVResource.getURL()
          Returns the URL that this DAV Resource represents DAVResourceInterface.getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
          Gets a particular version of this resource DAVResource.getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
          Gets a particular version of this resource
 boolean DAVResourceInterface.isCollection()
          Is this resource a collection?
 boolean DAVResource.isCollection()
          Returns whether this resource is a collection or not
 boolean DAVResourceInterface.isLocked()
          Is this resource locked?
 boolean DAVResource.isLocked()
          Returns whether this resource is locked or not
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.lock()
          Lock this resource
 java.lang.String DAVResource.lock()
          Locks the resource
 boolean DAVResourceInterface.makeCollection()
          Make a collection.
 boolean DAVResource.makeCollection()
          Make a collection.
 DAVResource DAVResourceInterface.move(java.lang.String targetUrl)
          Move this resource to the location given in the parameter
 DAVResource DAVResource.move(java.lang.String targetPath)
          Move this resource to another location (path) on the same server as the source.
 void DAVResourceInterface.removeProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] propNames)
          Remove the properties specified in the parameter
 void DAVResource.removeProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] props)
          Remove/delete properties from a resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.removeProperties(PropertyName[] propNames)
          Remove the properties specified in the parameter
 void DAVResource.removeProperties(PropertyName[] props)
          Remove/delete properties from a resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.removeProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element propName)
          Remove the property specified in the parameter
 void DAVResource.removeProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element prop)
          Remove/delete properties from a resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.removeProperty(PropertyName propName)
          Remove the property specified in the parameter
 void DAVResource.removeProperty(PropertyName prop)
          Remove/delete a property from a resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.removeProperty(java.lang.String propName)
          Remove the property specified in the parameter
 void DAVResource.removeProperty(java.lang.String prop)
          Remove/delete properties from a resource
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] reportBody)
          Run a report on the current resource.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] body)
          Run a report on the current resource.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] searchQuery)
          Using the XML representation of the search query, perform the search on the server
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] searchQuery)
          The SEARCH method invokes one of the implemented search grammars on the server to evaluate the query.
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] searchString)
          Using the search query provided as a string, perform the search on this server
 org.apache.webdav.lib.Property[] searchString)
          The SEARCH method invokes one of the implemented search grammars on the server to evaluate the query.
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.setAcl( acl)
          Set the access control list for this resource.
 java.lang.String DAVResource.setAcl( acl)
          Set/Update the Access Control List for this resource.
 java.lang.String DAVResourceInterface.setACL(java.lang.String acl)
          Set/Update the Access Control List for this resource.
 java.lang.String DAVResource.setACL(java.lang.String acl)
          Set/Update the Access Control List for this resource.
 void DAVResourceInterface.setContents(byte[] contents)
          Set the contents of the resource, passing in a byte array
 void DAVResource.setContents(byte[] contents)
          Provide content for the resource.
 void DAVResourceInterface.setContents( is)
          Set the contents of the resource from an input stream.
 void DAVResource.setContents( is)
          Set the content from an InputStream.
 void DAVResourceInterface.setContents(java.lang.String content)
          Set the contents of the resource, passing in a URL
 void DAVResource.setContents(java.lang.String content)
          Set the contents of the resource, passing in a URL
 void DAVResourceInterface.setContents( url)
          Set the contents of the resource, passing in a URL
 void DAVResource.setContents( url)
          Set the content for the resource from an URL
 void DAVResourceInterface.setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
          Set the contents type for the content of the resource
 void DAVResource.setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
          Set the contents type for the content of the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.setDepth(int depth)
          Set the depth that will be used for the following operations DEPTH_0, DEPTH_1 and DEPTH_INFINITY from DepthSupport are valid values
 void DAVResource.setDepth(int depth)
          Set the value for depth.
 void DAVResourceInterface.setOverwrite(boolean overwrite)
          Set the overwrite flag - can this resource be overwritten
 void DAVResourceInterface.setProperties(org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment props)
          Set the values of properties, as given in the parameter
 void DAVResource.setProperties(org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment doc)
          Set properties on the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.setProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] props)
          Set the values of properties, as given in the parameter
 void DAVResource.setProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element[] elems)
          Set properties on the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.setProperties(PropertyName[] propNames, java.lang.String[] props)
          Set the values of properties, as given in the parameter
 void DAVResource.setProperties(PropertyName[] props, java.lang.String[] propValues)
          Set properties on the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.setProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element prop)
          Set the value of a property, as given in the parameter
 void DAVResource.setProperty(org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Set a property on the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.setProperty(PropertyName propName, java.lang.String prop)
          Set the value of a property, as given in the parameter
 void DAVResource.setProperty(PropertyName prop, java.lang.String propValue)
          Set a property on the resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.unlock()
          Unlock the resource, if previously locked by the same principal
 void DAVResource.unlock()
          Unlock a resource
 void DAVResourceInterface.unlock(java.lang.String lockToken)
          Unlock the resource, with the correct locktoken
 void DAVResource.unlock(java.lang.String lockToken)
          Unlock a resource

Constructors in that throw DAVException
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo)
          Create a DAVResource using the connection information.
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo, boolean createCollection)
          Create a DAVResource using the connection information.
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo, boolean createCollection, java.lang.Object logger)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo, boolean)
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo, boolean createCollection, java.lang.Object logger, org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie session)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo, boolean)
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo, java.lang.Object logger)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo)
DAVResource(ConnectionInfo cInfo, java.lang.Object logger, org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie session)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo)
DAVResource(java.lang.String url)
          Create a DAVResource using a string URL.
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, boolean createCollection)
          Create a DAVResource using a string URL and boolean flag to indicate whether a collection should be created or not.
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, boolean createCollection, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo, boolean)
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, boolean createCollection, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.Object logger)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(ConnectionInfo, boolean)
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, java.lang.Object logger)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(String)
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Create a DAVResource using a string URL, userName and password.
DAVResource(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.Object logger)
          Deprecated. As of release 9.3, replaced by DAVResource.DAVResource(String, String, String)
DAVResource( url)
          Create a DAVResource using a Java URL.

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