Interface BrowseMetadataInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BrowseMetadataInterface


Field Summary
static java.lang.String CREATE_KEY
          The map key to get the object's creation date.
static java.lang.String DESC_KEY
          The map key to get the object's description.
static java.lang.String ISAFOLDER_KEY
          The map key to get the indicator if the object is a folder;
static java.lang.String ISENTITYKEY_KEY
          The map key to get the object's Information Service entity key.
static java.lang.String KEYWORDS_KEY
          The map key to get the object's keywords.
static java.lang.String MEMBERS_KEY
          The map key to get an object's members, if it's a folder.
static java.lang.String MODIFY_KEY
          The map key to get the object's latest modified date.
static java.lang.String NAME_KEY
          The map key to get the object's name.
static java.lang.String NATIVETYPE_KEY
          The map key to get the repository native type (e.g., "Transformation" rather than "Report".
static java.lang.String PARENTTREE_KEY
          The map key to get the Parent Tree assocation;
static java.lang.String REPOSID_KEY
          The map key to get the object's repository id.
static java.lang.String SMARTCLASS_KEY
          The map key to get the object's smart object Java class.
static java.lang.String SMARTTYPE_KEY
          The map key to get the object's smart object type (e.g., "Report" rather than "Transformation".
static java.lang.String SOFTWARETREES_KEY
          The map key to get SoftwareTrees from a SoftwareComponent.
static java.lang.String SUBFOLDERS_KEY
          the map key to get the object's subfolders, if it's a folder.
static java.lang.String TREES_KEY
          The map key to get the Trees association.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String key)
          Get an arbitrary object from the map.
 long getCreateDate()
          Get the date the metadata object was created.
 java.util.Date getCreateDateAsDate()
          Get the date the metadata object was created.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Get the object description.
 java.lang.String getISEntityKey()
          Get the Information Service entity key for this object.
 java.util.List getKeywords()
          Get a List of Strings with the keywords that are associated with this object.
 java.util.List getMembers()
          Get the members if this is a folder.
 long getModifyDate()
          Get the date the metadata object was most recently changed.
 java.util.Date getModifyDateAsDate()
          Get the date the metadata object was most recently changed.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get the object name.
 java.lang.String getNativeType()
          Get the repository native type for this object.
 java.util.List getParents()
          Get the list of parent objects.
 java.util.Map getRawData()
          Get the Map with the raw data for this object.
 java.lang.String getReposId()
          Get the object's repository ID.
 java.lang.String getSmartType()
          Get the "smart" type of this object.
 java.util.List getSubfolders()
          Get the subfolders if this is a folder.
 boolean isAFolder()
          Returns true if this object represents a folder in the metadata.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return a simple string representation of the object.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String NAME_KEY
The map key to get the object's name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DESC_KEY
The map key to get the object's description.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CREATE_KEY
The map key to get the object's creation date. This should be a string-coded long.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MODIFY_KEY
The map key to get the object's latest modified date. This should be a string-coded long.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String KEYWORDS_KEY
The map key to get the object's keywords.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SMARTTYPE_KEY
The map key to get the object's smart object type (e.g., "Report" rather than "Transformation".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SMARTCLASS_KEY
The map key to get the object's smart object Java class.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NATIVETYPE_KEY
The map key to get the repository native type (e.g., "Transformation" rather than "Report".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String ISENTITYKEY_KEY
The map key to get the object's Information Service entity key. This key can be used to fetch the "real" smart object.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MEMBERS_KEY
The map key to get an object's members, if it's a folder.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SUBFOLDERS_KEY
the map key to get the object's subfolders, if it's a folder.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SOFTWARETREES_KEY
The map key to get SoftwareTrees from a SoftwareComponent. This is used to get subtrees from the root of the hierarchy.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String REPOSID_KEY
The map key to get the object's repository id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String ISAFOLDER_KEY
The map key to get the indicator if the object is a folder;

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String TREES_KEY
The map key to get the Trees association.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PARENTTREE_KEY
The map key to get the Parent Tree assocation;

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.util.Map getRawData()
Get the Map with the raw data for this object. This Map can be wrapped with a "smarter" object for accessing the data.

A map that represents simple attributes with String values, and associated objects as a List of Map objects.


java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String key)
Get an arbitrary object from the map. This may be an attribute or an association. Attributes have String values, associations are represented by a List of BrowseMetadataInterface objects.

key - The name of the attribute or association.
A String representing an attribute value, or a List if key is an association.


java.lang.String getName()
Get the object name.

The object name string.


java.lang.String getDescription()
Get the object description.

The object description string. An empty string will be returned rather than null if no description exists.


long getCreateDate()
Get the date the metadata object was created.

A long representing the date and time the object was created.


long getModifyDate()
Get the date the metadata object was most recently changed.

A long with the latest modification date and time for the object.


java.util.Date getCreateDateAsDate()
Get the date the metadata object was created.

A long representing the date and time the object was created.


java.util.Date getModifyDateAsDate()
Get the date the metadata object was most recently changed.

A long with the latest modification date and time for the object.


java.util.List getKeywords()
Get a List of Strings with the keywords that are associated with this object.

A List of String objects with the keywords.


java.lang.String getSmartType()
Get the "smart" type of this object. For instance, return "Report" rather than "Transformation". If the smart object type couldn't be determined, the string "Metadata" will be returned.

The smart object type of this object.


java.lang.String getNativeType()
Get the repository native type for this object. For instance, "Transformation" rather than "Report".

The repository specific type for this object.


java.lang.String getISEntityKey()
Get the Information Service entity key for this object. This key makes it easy to retrieve the "real" metadata object for this browse object so it can be updated.

The Information Service entity key.


boolean isAFolder()
Returns true if this object represents a folder in the metadata. For data in the SAS Metadata Server, being a folder doesn't necessarily imply that it's part of the BIP Tree hierarchy.

True if the object is a folder, false otherwise.


java.util.List getMembers()
Get the members if this is a folder.

a List of BrowseMetadataInterface objects representing the members of the folder, or null if it's not a folder.


java.util.List getSubfolders()
Get the subfolders if this is a folder.

a List of BrowsemetadataInterface objects representing the subfolders of this folder, or null if it's not a folder.


java.util.List getParents()
Get the list of parent objects. This will either be the element(s) of the ParentTree association, if that's found, or the Trees asociation if that's found.

A List of likely parent BrowseMetadataInterface objects. If none are found, an empty List is returned.


java.lang.String getReposId()
Get the object's repository ID. The id by itself may or may not be sufficient to actually retrieve the object from the repository, but it should at least be a unique identifier for the object within the repository. * @return The String representation of the repository identifier.


java.lang.String toString()
Return a simple string representation of the object.

toString in class java.lang.Object
A String object representing the metadata object.

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